Fun things at the Village

YHC always enjoys getting out to the Village and was good to see a quorum of regulars assemble in the gloom. The weather was heading back to normal for January but still an improvement over last week’s arctic wave. Beatdown went as follows...

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A Whole Mess of Burpees

Today was YHC’s first Q in a while. I was eager to deliver a beatdown that would challenge those who decided to attend. Let’s check it out: 0529:15: 5 PAX have already assembled, awaiting YHC to exit his vehicle 0529:30: YHC exits the...

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Are You Tired of Me Yet?

I feel like I have been Q’ing quite a bit and must admit I am not as creative with the themes as my father.  @Green Acres even stated that “we just had you Q a few weeks ago here” Yes, you would be correct! @Rubber Ducky...

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The 3 Bears and Goldilocks

Ziggy Stardust and YHC partnered up for our typical clown car with a brisk 27 degrees showing on the weather app. Arriving a few minutes before 0530, both of us not so secretly hoped my late preblast went amiss and no PAX would be waiting for us...

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I’m not coming back

7 of the finest pax gathered on a chilly Tuesday morning for a non running Parliament.  I wanted to make sure we were warm so the workout went like this…. warm o rama – SSH x 15 IC, 3 burpees, IW x 10 IC, 3 burpees, abe V x 4 IC, 4...

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ZERO Burpess Given

My family participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s this past weekend, and YHC signed up for one of those annoying fundraisers you see on Facebook so often. Asd the Q schedule was open the same day as the walk, I figured I could come up with...

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Covers at BNW

YHC have become very bad about posting backblasts, but when it came time to prepare to Q BNW my appreciation grew for the PAX who do regularly post a full backblast. In September of 2020 BNW migrated to Greenbrier Farms from Reagan High School...

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