A Spin Around the Auditorium

Seven PAX assembled on a warm and breeze free morning at Hanes Park. All F3 regulars and one almost FNG named Greg. There was your typical, upbeat and sarcastic, exchanges between PAX and then we managed to talk a passerby into sticking around...

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Kids Games

Earlier this week……. Zima – “hey huck, will you be staying close to the playground at Charlie foxtrot on Saturday” YHC – “Not sure.  Haven’t planned it yet.  Why?” Zima – “I have the boys and was thinking about coming out as long as I could keep...

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A Musical Interlude at Urban Assault

Warm up then Mosey to Stage Tubthumping: I Get Knocked Down.   SSH throughout. When you hear ‘I Get Knocked Down’, do a Burpee   Beyonce: Single Ladies: High Knees throughout When you hear Single Ladies: Iron Mike. When you hear If you like...

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DIY Dora at The Distillery

5 PAX including a soon-to-be Villager met for a not totally put together workout from YHC. Temps were warm, rain held off (minus a little mist), and off we went into the warmup after getting to know Hooker, who is moving to #WeFoCo from F3...

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11! At VI

Warm-o-Rama SSHs Whirlys Peter Parkers Hillbilly Parker Peters Maybe some other stuff? Mosey to track and run a lap (evaluate field while running lap) Mosey to middle of field…or don’t! Pepe Le Pew was waiting for us and we decided against...

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NO running!

As AO Site Q and SubstiQ of TRQ today, I, and am sure the PAX, were pleased to arrive to a damp but rain free morning and also to leave with the same weather pattern.  We however were not dry as all put in strong work. YHC delivered the F3 motto...

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The Craftsman @ WIB

WIB returned to the old Sears lower lot this week. Last time YHC led a workout here it was around 25 degrees. Certainly this time it was considered cool for June, but safe to say we didn’t worry about frozen fingertips this time around. All PAX...

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Rusty Q at the Wheel

Despite the great clouds of doom, 8 Studs and one out of sync Q, that is my story, gathered at Jamison Park this AM to put in some work. During the COVID hiatus YHC reverted back to OYO workouts outside and even some old videos in the basement...

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The Phoenix Week 2 – COVID-19

Warm-o-rama. SSH, Michael Phelps, Abe Vigoda, IST Beatdown. A weight was required.  A cinder block was recommended, but the PAX chose any weight they felt was sufficient.   All exercises were to be performed for 19 reps.   C –...

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Lucky Number 7

14 PAX gathered at Bailey Park anticipating the advertised “1000% humidity” and all were thoroughly disappointed by the brisk and perfect weather they were greeted with. Warm O Rama SSH x20 IC Abe Vigoda x6 IC Plank / Down Dog / Calf...

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A Run around the Park

Warm up and SS Mosey up the hill beside Central Y.  At each turret do 2 merkins. Mosey to new pocket park.  At each turret, do 2 squat Jumps. At circle:  In cadence: Groiners x10, Peter Parkers x 10, Mountain Climbers x10 Mosey to stop light: At...

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