A Run around the Park

QIC: Drip

Date: 6/13/20

PAX: Mutton, BooBoo, BuyOut, Spicoli, Root Canal, Palin, Zima, Drip

Warm up and SS

Mosey up the hill beside Central Y.  At each turret do 2 merkins.

Mosey to new pocket park.  At each turret, do 2 squat Jumps.

At circle:  In cadence: Groiners x10, Peter Parkers x 10, Mountain Climbers x10

Mosey to stop light: At each turret, do 2 Burpees

Mosey to parking lot and bear crawl across it.  Pick up the six

Mosey to pull up bars: One Minute on the minute for 10 minutes.  Each minute do 5 pull ups and 7 Absolutions. Hollow Hold until the end of minute.   At the minute mark, start over.

Mosey to grassy, shade area beside tennis courts

Work 50 sec rest 10 (1 set)  Do 2 sets

  1. Groiners
  2. Crab Cakes
  3. Burpees
  4. WMD Merkins
  5. V ups alternating toe touches
  6. Rest 60 sec

Mosey back to Launch

Announcements: Watch Twitter for New Zoom discussion group to delve into issues effecting our community and nation. Also watch Twitter for events to attend with other F3 brothers to promote Social Justice.   Zima has COVID workout plan for Outhouse Monday.  Post if you are man enough (His words not mine).

COT: Our nation and city and the family and friends of Katelyn Beardsley as they grieve her passing.

Sipping the Tea: The weather was beautiful but so many things just seemed a bit out of the ordinary…Palin and Zima were getting along; Warm up on the wrong side of the parking lot; Spicoli only missing 5 minutes of the workout; Mosey starting in the wrong direction, Root Canal counting to 12.   The Pax seemed nervous, but we figured things would eventually slide back into a normal routine.  Thankfully BuyOut posted Chippendale so we knew things would settle back down.  Lots of hard work by the Pax as we surveyed to perimeter of the Mothership and discovered a pocket park within the park along the way. YHC wishes he could find a workout that would tire Mutton, but this was not the one.  That man is packing Every-Readies. Boo Boo did have to slow down long enough to help untangle Palin from an inverted knee hang on the uneven bars, but that is a story for another time.  Please don’t listen to RC when he starts talking about his injury anymore.  IMO, that ship has sailed and he is back to 100% Beast.  Great to hang out with you Gentlemen this morning, looking forward to seeing the new 22 step Burpee on the F3 exercise lexicon.