Good Things Come in 3s

A stalwart group of six Parliament regulars gathered in the gloom on what is likely one of the last balmy mornings of late fall.  YHC had his first chance to try out his new Tribit XSound Go Bluetooth Speaker Beatdown went as follows. WARM-O-RAMA...

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Warm Up: SSH, Arm Swirly F&B, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Abe Vagoda, Whirly w/clap, standing hamstring stretch. The Thang: Tabata. 1 min on, 30 seconds off LBC,merkins, R leg step ups, Penguin crunch,L leg step ups,Irkins,WWII sit ups, dips...

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No music at RnG

11 Pax posted at the most convenient RnG AO for me this morning.  While Mayhem is closer, Meadowlark is too dangerous to run on.  So, Leinbach Park works. We took a relatively straightforward route that did not cross Robinhood and had low...

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Where’d They Go at the Estate?

Welp, YHC was peacefully sleeping in the nice, warm bed when it was time to roll over. Upon that rolling over, a quick time check because, you know, the Q is upcoming. Panic ensued when the iPhone read “5:24” back to YHC. Jumping...

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IS Stations and Chatter

Well, first Q out at the IS, went well, lots of early chatter so knew we needed to push it to cut down on Palin’s word count per minute. HOG there early as usual, he’s a self-starter. Drizzling rain from the start to finish, which...

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Roaring 20s at Urban Assault

Absolutely beautiful weather at Bailey Park this morning. A light breeze and the upper 50s. Add to that seven UA regulars all with smiles, pleasant dispositions and a will to take on any challenge and you have the recipe for an amazing beatdown...

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Fun with Rocks?

Warm-o-roma SSH, Hill Billy’s, Imperial Storm Troopers, Abe, Whirly, Calf Stretch, Quad Stretch Agilities: Fast feet indian run, High plank indian run, knee slapper indian run (heart rate sufficiently raised) Mosey to get rocks   2...

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All In

3 PAX gathered in the gloom of Thruway Center (which is very well lit these days) in the crisp autumn air. Warm O Rama Abe Vigoda 3 (very slow) in cadence SSH 15 IC THE WIB Station 1- F3 Hold ‘Em Ace= 10 Merkins King= 10 Burpees Queen= 20...

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Eddie Visits the Distillery

The Thang: Grab a block and move to the parking.  The block would be your buddy for the entire workout. Warm o Rama – the usual for @Goofy Four corners, break up into groups, and do the exercises on the cardboard at your station as...

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The routes for this week. Walk,run,ruck,ride. Launch from TheDistillery. 3 5  

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Flight Attendants @ Mayhem

Apologies to the PAX for an abbreviated backblast. Yhc is soon departing for a distant state with his M & 2.0’s for a college visit. Back to the point, 10 PAX showed up at Mayhem this morning, ready & willing. A great deal of thanks is...

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Flatline 10.6.20

A late afternoon call went out from the site Q on Tuesday requesting someone step up to Q #Flatline.  YHC was more than happy to accept.  It must be the high tempo theme of the AO that gets YHC especially juiced.  The plan almost put itself...

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