Where’d They Go at the Estate?

QIC: Sassy

Date: 10/12/2020

PAX: H.O.G., Boomerang, Wobegon, Sassy (for Mary...)

Welp, YHC was peacefully sleeping in the nice, warm bed when it was time to roll over. Upon that rolling over, a quick time check because, you know, the Q is upcoming. Panic ensued when the iPhone read “5:24” back to YHC. Jumping (almost literally) out of bed, YHC threw on the laid out gym clothing, ran past the refrigerator to fill up a water cup, bathroom stop, and out the door to The Estate in 4 minutes. YHC pulled into the parking lot at 5:36 to find no one around….interesting. The infamous silver car of Boomerang was around, so surely there was something happening somewhere. YHC figured that at 5:37, the PAX couldn’t have gotten far, so YHC started running around The Estate searching for the PAX…

…30 minutes after starting that search of nearly 2 miles around The Estate, YHC located the PAX where it all started in the parking lot. It turns out that the PAX ran down to the soccer field that was not on the list of places to check. We met up for Mary, which YHC figured would happen after about 15 minutes of searching. YHC was told many derkins were completed as well as 1.5 miles covered. YHC was also told that the PAX did about 1000 burpees, plus or minus. Totally believable considering how tired the PAX looked upon returning.

For Mary, YHC led the PAX through Freddie Mercs, Mutton Crunches, LBCs, and American Hammer. A makeup Q will certainly be in the cards moving forward.

Prayer Requests/Announcements
H.O.G.’s pastor’s dad’s family came down to help him out and a family member contracted COVID-19. Prayers that he does not contract it as well as he is 90 with Stage 4 lung cancer.

As was said this morning, if you’re the Q enough, it’s not if, but when you mindlessly cut the alarm off and miss a Q. YHC considered sleeping in; however, there was a time at Bells & Whistles where Goofy showed up at 6:05 saying it was his duty to show up no matter how late. YHC thought that arriving at 5:36 would mean that the plan was still intact, but alas, a failure on YHC’s part.

T-Claps to H.O.G. for leading the PAX this morning and not punishing YHC too much for the missed assignment. He is a true HIM!

Boomerang has the Q next week at The Estate! Maybe YHC will try to make it on time next week?

Wobegon RIROed, which might be faster for him than driving to be honest.

Thank you PAX for your understanding and YHC is very sorry for the sleeping. Post on Thursday to WIB for the punishment Q that YHC will bring! H.O.G., thanks for hanging onto the keys and leading strongly.


  • Van Gogh
    October 12, 2020 11:09 pm

    Way to still show! YHC remembers Goofy’s words as well… glad you still got in a good workout during the search, even if it was 1000 burpees short?

  • Spamalot
    October 13, 2020 10:35 am

    Thanks Sassy! Way to step up. Maybe 2 alarms next time…??

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