The Beautiful Game was Flatlined

QIC: Thistle

Date: 10/17/2017

PAX: Zima, Cherry Pie, Glazer, Van Gogh, Roosevelt, Beverly, Root Canal, Mutton, Wobegon, Thistle

I saw my Q responsibility as an opportunity to broaden and educate the PAX.  As an elder statesman, it is my duty to lead these fine young men to a deeper understanding of life’s idiosyncrasies.  So chose to enlighten them on “The Beautiful Game” of real football, which Zima derogatorily referred to as soccer(he has Athazagoraphobia).  I delivered my topic for the workout after 10 Ascending Testicles(abbreviated version since the ladies were complaining) and the PAX listened to my beat down plan in the People’s Chair(this is the Warm-a-rama at Flatine).

The grumbling only increased as we started south from the wall…aka, going downhill.  So as I delivered a football question/answer while moseying, the MC grew more incessant and hurtful, so we stopped and did 20 burpees and continued downhill – how in the world can Glazer and The Vig continue to talk during burpees – the MC continued and the PAX, as well as the beat down, went downhill.  Somewhere in here we lost Roosevelt, but found him later?  I did find out the only way to stay in front of Van Gogh and Cherry Pie is to not tell them where we are going, but I could feel their breath on my neck as we ran – nah, let’s don’t go there.

As the PAX continued to incorrectly answer football questions and the chances of a mutiny grew, we stopped periodically to do copious amounts of lunges, dips(where we momentarily lost Mutton doing dips on a rock behind a tree), ISTs, Merkins(regular, wide, diamond, staggered), plank jacks – all while continuing to mosey down hill.  I take some responsibility for the MC continuing – let me come clean before the comments begin – I do have a slight problem with delivering the exercises with the correct verbiage and cadence – let the piling on of the beleaguered Q begin.

We arrived at the nadir of Winston and after one-legged burpees, and then monkey humpers and lunges in a traffic circle, we started up the hill.  Somewhere along the run, Mutton/Dukie tried to be nice and ask the Q/UNC what he thought about the NCAA ruling.  OK then, 50 more plank jacks.

Well, I released the hounds to the top of the hill behind the Old Salem cemetery – VG, Zima, CP, Beverly(does his hair ever get messed up?), The Vig, Mutton, et al took off.  But the PAX was surprisingly tight – Wobegon gets the award as the Most Improved.  Great effort.  So I think we did more ISTs, then 50 dips on the way back, a variety of Merkins at the BB&T plaza.  Back at the parking lot for Mary all I remember is Zima’s perfect cadence and our responses echoing throughout downtown and Root Canal doing a billion of some exercise until I passed out.  Well done men.


Mutton has neighbor whose 14 yo daughter battling severe depression.  Prayers for her and whole family.

Cherry Pie has co-worker, Mary, battling a severe infection/MRSA.

My son deploys to the Middle East with the Navy – back in 6-8 months.


Beer Run on 11/19

Honor to “lead” these guys – a great time and educational.  Being a UNC grad, I counted it as an independent study class.  Beverly, I do not have the keys, I think someone stole them from me.


  • Burlap
    October 18, 2017 11:12 am

    Great workout and awesome BB.

    Great group of guys.

  • wobegon
    October 18, 2017 11:39 am

    Thanks for all the push and encouragement from everyone. I hate soccer.

  • Justin Bailey
    October 18, 2017 3:20 pm

    I’ve come to expect chaos and confusion from Thistle Qs. Don’t let him fool you. He acts like he’s making it up as he goes and trying not to be offended by all the ridicule, but it’s really just his way of justifying all the torture he puts the pax through. If they are complaining, it gives him the right to make us suffer.

    Great BB, Thistle. This was pretty much how it all went down. I was disappointed in the football knowledge of the pax in attendance, although I have still yet to see a 100×100 soccer field, and question the veracity of that bit of trivia.

  • Glazer
    October 18, 2017 7:12 pm

    I no longer like soccer either. But I do love that every number in thistle’s voice is at the peak of inflection.

    Note that The Vig was present for the role. Although it appears he gets credit for mumble chatter.

    Strong work Thistle! Fun times.

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