Choosy dudes choose WIB

This will be my first WIB Q, and I wanted to also have a convergence opportunity to bring folks together, so this will be in concert with The Distillery at Clemmons First Baptist Church.  So there is your first choice, if you don’t love the...

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Conspiracy Back-Blast

Warmorama: Side straddle hop, worrly, arm rotations Round 1: 400 m jog, followed by approximately 35 burpees Round 2: Partnered task of completing 250 WWII and 40 pull-ups Round 3: Partnered task of completing 150 Mer-cans with interval box jumps...

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More Stardust for Ziggy!!

  YHC answered a call for help from Burns late last night who badly cut the tip of his finger in the kitchen and needed a sub. Insert YHC, happy to help a friend, and already had a Ziggy theme workout ready to go for the Site Q changeover!...

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A Knockoff Peloton

Warm-o-rama. SSH x 15 IC Static Stretch OYO Dynamic Stretch: high knees, butt kickers, carioca, zuckerberg skips REVERSE Peloton, 300m Beatdown. Sprint 50m, Recovery mosey 50m, Rest 30ish seconds x 5   Slow recovery mosey 300m, Rest 1ish...

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