Choosy dudes choose WIB

QIC: Gucci

Date: September 3, 2020

This will be my first WIB Q, and I wanted to also have a convergence opportunity to bring folks together, so this will be in concert with The Distillery at Clemmons First Baptist Church.  So there is your first choice, if you don’t love the circuit, feel free to hop in with Katniss in his Distillery Q.


The second choice is with warmup, my plan is to do a Gucci Warmup that will take about 15 minutes.  If you don’t want to do the warmup, feel free to jump right into the circuit.


From there, the circuit will use the block around Clemmons Elementary (map in the tweet).  And execute the following exercises:

  • Corner 1: 5 Monkey Humpers
  • Corner 2: 5 Monkey Humpers, 5 Pushups
  • Corner 3: 5 Monkey Humpers, 5 Pushups, 5 2-Ct Flutter Kicks
  • Corner 4: 5 Monkey Humpers, 5 Pushups, 5 2-Ct Flutter Kicks, 5 2-Ct Mountain Climbers

Repeat this adding 5 reps each time until time.