More Stardust for Ziggy!!

QIC: Van Gogh

Date: 09/01/2020

PAX: Starfish, Beast Lite, Goofy, Boomerang, Total Recall, Sour Mash, Schneider, SGT Shultz, Huckleberry, Offsides Gucci, Ziggy Stardust, Cinco (WB), Drama Queen (WD),Van Gogh (QIC)


YHC answered a call for help from Burns late last night who badly cut the tip of his finger in the kitchen and needed a sub. Insert YHC, happy to help a friend, and already had a Ziggy theme workout ready to go for the Site Q changeover! It was meant to be!!



  • IST x 20 IC
  • Abe Vigoda x 12 IC
  • Copperhead Squats x 12 IC
  • Arm swirl things/walk to block pile


The Thang

  • STARDUST (all exercises x58 reps OYO)
    • Perform the following exercises, lunge walk 25M to other side, perform exercises, Broadjump burpee back.
    • Side straddle hop (DC)
    • Thrusters
    • American Hammers (DC)
    • Rows
    • Diamond Merkins
    • Upright Rows
    • Squats
    • The Curl
  • Pick up 6 or Al-Gore after each trip and/or exercise.
  • Put blocks back
  • Bear crawl to covered walkway



  • Ring of Fire Pipcorn Mary
    • 15 exercises called, one from each PAX who then run around the circle
    • We ended with the Alphabet, writing A through Z for Ziggy.
  • The Thistle x 1/2/3/4/5/6 Merkins 



  • YHC gave thanks to the PAX for their leadership and generosity, especially after The Shmed this past week. 
  • YHCs gave thanks for Site Qs, who are the lifeblood of our group keeping us organized and enable these workouts to happen.
  • Gucci said thank you to the PAX, and it was hard to leave for Spartanburg, but he’ll be back at Inmar occasionally and be sure to join us!
  • Ziggy took over the reigns in a Site Q changeover with SGT Shultz getting in the mix as an Emeritus Q following similar military tradition.
  • IronPAX is going on, not too late to sign up! Meeting tomorrow at Bailey Park led by Burns, is first opportunity this week.
  • YHC took us out giving thanks, and asking for a safe and easy transition for Gucci.



  • With a late night sub for Ziggy’s induction, it just felt like providence having this Stardust Q already figured out from the past.
  • With some slight modifications to eliminate running and incorporate blocks, a new STARDUST was born!
  • The PAX didn’t all know YHC was the sub, Goofy again was not happy. Thankful he stuck around though!
  • Ziggy said he was age fluid during the workout…. YHC was not sure if that’s a thing, but we still stuck with 58!
  • Great to see Huck after suffering through the Shmed and 5000 Rep Challenge together. We both confirmed this morning that our arms are still not well.
  • Sour Mash called YHC over for the upright rows, something about saying leading with the elbows to his face. He appreciated it, and had great form!
  • For American Hammers, it’s always double count! If you just count your right, then you’re doing it right!
  • Great to hear MC across the line, sad I couldn’t make it all out. Feel free to chime in on it below!
  • YHc broke a block during curls somehow, and Shulty was NOT happy about it… but it wasn’t YHCs fault!? Curling the pieces might have been more difficult though… #Cobains
  • TR tried to end the Q 3 minutes early, big nono, the PAX need to get their monies worth! Needless to say, Ring if Fire and the Thistle were great finishers!