
QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 2/22/18

PAX: Pony Express, Touch Me Not, Splash, Spam, Fingers, Zima, Mutton

When asked to Q WIB for the first time, I envisioned a work-out that kept the PAX together.  This was going to be tough when you look at how fast some of the dash pax are.  knowing that all pax push themselves, I developed an idea.  As with all the paper designed workouts, the 0530 Beta test will let you know if it worked.  Here is how it went……

Warm -o – rama

SSH x 15 IC, windmill x 8 IC, Whirly has the clap x 10 IC, Overhead clap x 10 IC

The thang:

the mosey lap – Mosey around one parking lot at Calvery Baptist Church.  It was brought up that this was a small loop for a WIB workout (on purpose).  We stopped at 4 stations along the way for 2 exercises at each station (squats, lunges-pulse, seal claps, arm swirly things, nolan ryans, jane fondas, merkins, WWII’s).  The PAX did 5 of each exercise with the goal to increase by 5 on each lap.  As we finished the 4th station and were moseying back to station 1, the prizes/surprises were released.  My car was conveniently parked on this portion of the course.  When we opened the trunk, there was a pile of bricks!  The first 3 PAX to complete each lap would pick up a brick and continue on the journey.  If you continue to lead the pax, you continue to add to your brick count.  Continue “running’ laps till 615.

At 612, all of the PAX were together, on the same lap, and at the start point.  Everyone had at least one brick.  Time for Mary.

reverse plank, low flutter, freddy merk, FIN!

announcements: Zima has OG’s and apologizes already,

prayers; Mutton’s nephew is getting married, Katniss father who had knee surgery

YHC took us out thanking HIM for all our gifts and abilities and prayers to be with those in the hospital


MC:  Lots of MC before and during the mosey lap.  once the bricks came out, the PAX were silent – either focused on the push or too pissed that they did not fartsack.

Pony gets credit for the shortest post in history.  on SSH number 2 he took off running to his car – he did return but we thought he was having a GI emergency

lots of comments about the “gentle” exercises (seal claps and arm swirly things).  these were all revoked when bricks were added.

I think that everyone led during the workout today – amazing push by all!  And in true Dash PAX fashion, some picked up bricks when not required.

I wish I had a video of Spam – highlight of the morning… Spam finishes station 4, gets up and starts running.  once he realizes that he is about to be 3rd to finish the lap, his pace gets dramatically slower thinking that no one will notice!  false, he was called out and bricks were added.

Propts to Zima for completing a Murph before

Great work from a great group of guys.  Honored to be out there with them.  But no one thanked me for the gifts!

Thanks for the keys Thistle!


  • Burlap
    February 22, 2018 10:21 pm

    Great idea, Huck! That will be stolen at some point in the future.

    RB had us running with a brick in each hand at the Outhouse and it sucked but equal for all. Good job keeping pax together.

  • Van Gogh
    February 22, 2018 10:42 pm

    This is so mastermindfully evil…. Love it! Sorry and not sorry to have missed it!

  • Thistle
    February 23, 2018 5:59 am

    After reading this BB, being on the road for work doesn’t seem so bad. Such a great Q idea that I bet if your name is on the WIB Q calendar again, we may have a mutiny. Thanks for your leadership.

  • Spamalot
    February 23, 2018 8:23 am

    YHC guilty as charged! Gladly took the bricks as a reward. Great beatdown. Great AO. Great group of Pax!

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