His Weinke Is Bigger Than Yours

QIC: FrankandBeans

Date: 04/03/2024

PAX: Rustbucket (WD), Van.Gough, Cruiser, Bevo, Turnover, Drip, ChickFlick (WB), Wobegon, Frostbite, DrPhil, $5Footlong, Pearl (Pittsboro PAX), Schlitz, Palin, YHC

With recently having received the keys to #Conspiracy as Site Q, YHC figured that he’d better put himself on the roster to Q or there would be a full out mutiny…today was the day. Let’s be clear, YHC is still new to F3 (3 months BAY-BEEEEEE!) and has never, like EVER, led a workout. So, why not just go for it? YHC will be Qing the first #Conspiracy beatdowns of each month in Q2 – We don’t wake up for easy.

15 PAX braved impending thunderstorms to get taken to the park by YHC. @Rustbucket (WD) @Van.Gough @Cruiser @Bevo @Turnover @Drip @ChickFlick (WB) @Wobegon @Frostbite @DrPhil @$5Footlong @Pearl (Pittsboro PAX) @Schlitz @Palin & YHC (QIC). Only one PAX got scared by the rain and ran home early.

YHC welcomed everyone at Launch and read the Mission Statement, Core Principles, and Motto. Immediately the MC started – something about not reading it perfectly, but hey, at least YHC didn’t say “for small men.”


15 SSH

10 Abe Vigoda

High Plank

Deep Lunges

Mosey to the playground


The Thang:

Hanes Park has a myriad of opportunities for PAX to push themselves. Today’s beatdown focused on utilizing the playground.

The weinke presented the following beatdown:

#Conspiracy Playground Shenanigans Weinke

1 Lap around the playground between sets +10 WW2s at the end of the lap.

10 Merkins

20 Squats

30 Rows (Swings)

40 Step Ups (Each Leg)

50 WW2s (Don’t forget those 10 at the end of the lap!)

60 Shoulder Taps (Each Shoulder)

70 Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Leg)

80 Peter Parkers

90 Dips

100 Fast Feet

Go down the Slide

Pick up the 6

YHC recognizes that not everyone has the same set of resources (time, energy, strength, willpower, etc), so an option was presented to forego the laps, etc.

Cash Out: 750 WW2s

After more MC everyone decided they would apply their resources to the exercises on the weinke.


With about 7 minutes to go, YHC noticed that all PAX were within striking distance of the slide. The Mary was skipped (but there really IS something about Mary) so that everyone could decide if they were going to push it or not. You v. You.

In all, all 15 PAX completed the beatdown just in time. If you’ve never seen 15 PAX climb up playground equipment to a two-story high slide and then get shot out of the tube into a light rain, then you haven’t lived.

PAX earned 160 WW2s to start off this month’s challenge – good work, boys!




Everyone moseyed back to launch for Name-O-Rama, announcements, and prayer. 

  • F3WS x Evening Workout starting Tuesday, April 9th! 7:30pm-08:15pm. Miller Park across from Moore Elementary.  Come on out and support the launch of this new #AO. @Turnover and @Frostbite will Co-Q the first workout, with @Lamb Chop slated for 4/16.
  • THEN come to #Conspiracy Wed morning! Why not? @Palin has the Q and he’s cooking up something extra painful for the PAX.

Prayers for health and addiction situations affecting multiple families represented by the PAX. YHC took us out in prayer.


@Rustbucket was eager to get things going, and he led the group from start to finish (starting before the weinke was fully appreciated). Being the first to make it down the slide, he said, “Well, it’s dry for you now.”

@Van.Gough was steady and kept the momentum. YHC saw him go over to the steps to have enough room for Fast Feet, but there were undoubtedly tears in his eyes as the WW2s were hurting his ginger regions.

@Palin & @Bevo wanted to sing along to the music, but YHC refused to play their heartfelt recommendations of Milkshake and Disney Showtunes. Maybe that’s why @Palin left so early…

@Schlitz and @Frostbite had their own MC going the whole time. Not sure who cussed under their breath more today…probably a toss up.

@Cruiser showed everyone up with his deep Bulgarian Squats and impeccable balance… Thanks for reminding us how it’s DONE!

@Drip quit his job to post and show his support for YHC’s VQ this morning. Thanks, buddy! I’m sure you’ll find somewhere else that fully appreciates your smile and understands not to schedule you so early in the morning.

@ChickFlick & @Turnover kept moving. Every time YHC looked up, they were coming in from a lap or setting off on the next one. Impressive, boys, impressive!

@Wobegon decided to hit one of the slides, but it hit him back! The slide launched him a solid 10 feet up and out! It was easily the funniest and scariest thing YHC has seen at this AO…and highly memorable.

@$5FootLong & @DrPhil kept YHC company as YHC struggled through his own beatdown. Thanks for not leaving YHC on the wet pavement, fellas! That’s one of YHC’s favorite parts of F3, keeping an eye out for the 6. YHC appreciates the encouragement, the commiserating, and the fact that you slowed down so he could catch up. #youretherealdeal

@Pearl honored the WS PAX again by posting as he’s in town from Pittsboro. YHC is officially starting the paperwork to adopt him as a full WS PAX. He’s dedicated and a force to be reckoned with! @Pearl made today’s beatdown look like just another day. Strong Work!


YHC had a great time planning this beatdown and then getting to do it with such an awesome crew. Here’s to doing hard things!!! Until next month, SYITG.



  • wobegon
    April 3, 2024 10:16 am

    We did way more than 10 Abe Vigoda, based on the MC I recall, more like 30 or 40? That’s what I heard. My graceful slide dismount was, indeed, epic.

  • Frostbite
    April 3, 2024 10:34 am

    Strong work F&B! This #AO is in good hands and Q2 is off to a great start! I will be feeling this one for a while. The split squats? 70 each leg? Sheeeesh!

  • David Neininger
    April 4, 2024 4:43 pm

    Great beatdown FrankandBeans. Perfect blend of making it hard enough so we complained and interesting enough variety to make it fun… the slide ride was epic.

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