Frog poison, hot yoga, and things you shouldn’t taste at TRQ

If you’ve been Q’ing for a minute, you develop tendencies and preferences for what goes into your plan that will help pass the time, get a whole body workout in, and invigorate male community leadership.  For YHC that generally means going with AMRAP exercises – no counting, more time for MC, and you vs. you, and with exercise “sets” like a Dora, less to remember for YHC’s feeble brain.  So, for the premier non-running workout YHC combined his faves and the results were priceless.

A small but mighty crowdy gathered, even Argyle was on time.  Mongoose alleged that my pre-blast mentioning ‘no plan’ might have kept pax away.  YHC never said there was no plan, just hadn’t been planning it since Sunday like Burlap had for his WIB.  #spontanaityisthespiceoflife

Tunes and commercials were rolling as pax arrived, so we got started!


  • do stuff to keep things moving and remind ourselves that Whirly still has the claps and evidently doesn’t like penicillin

The Thang

  • Del Brown was our exercise cluster of choice (interested pax can head to “the nation’s” website for full description
  • Tabata was our AMRAP (the Dr. Tabata approved :20 seconds on, :10 sec recovery x 8)
    • Set 1 – Mt. Climber
    • Set 2 – SSH
    • Set 3 – High Knees
    • Set 4 – Squats
    • Set 5 – Merkin/Freddie Merc
    • Set 6 – Overhead claps

Mary for 4 minutes


  • Boomerang’s hearing still ain’t so good, but he in general heard what he wanted to hear
  • Some pax, ok Argyle, had not heard the Cake cover of Gloria Gaynor classic “I will survive”, but now he has and is better for it
  • Green Acres regaled pax with stories of looking for money with his Little when he used to volunteer with Big Brother/Big Sister
  • At one point during Tabata, most likely to forget about the pain, the topic of hot yoga came up.  Some person of the female variety that YHC believes Mongoose knows had done hot yoga.  At some point Boomerang shared what he knew about it and how somebody he knew went and it involved milking a frog and using that juice to heal a wound while also repairing your chakra.  This led to conversations about how the hot yoga place, the chakra store (where you can get approved frogs), and incense shop were all located next to each other.  Which then led either Mongoose or Boomerang to share that the person they knew that went to hot yoga wasn’t going anymore because the “instructor” had the women talk to the lady parts that are between their legs.  Evidently that was a bridge too far for Boomerang, which is surprising, because he comes across as a man fully comfortable talking about chakras and talking to himself.  Boomerang tried talking to the Q’s lady parts at one point, but that was quickly shot down.
  • As Boomerang tried to EH pax to come to Purgatory, Mongoose said he couldn’t attend because of a bum Achilles tendon and he would be running away from angry soccer moms from 10-4 as he ref’d three games.  This led to the idea about getting pax to come out to support him while he was reffing.  We figured we could talk Sour Mash and Harding to come and drink while the games went on.  That led to the brilliant idea that they could do their next bourbon tasting at the soccer fields while Mongoose ran around.  That brilliant thought gave our resident marketing genius, Green Acres, the idea of calling it a “Soccer Mom Tasting.”  Pax in attendance all heard the imaginary record scratch in our heads.  No, we will not be attending or calling anything a Soccer Mom Tasting.
  • Boomerang noted that the above conversations are why FiA and F3 should not combine.


  • wobegon
    February 10, 2022 11:02 am

    This backblast reads like a fever dream. So sad to not have seen this in real life.

  • Burlap
    February 10, 2022 11:07 am

    Disturbing and brilliant.

  • Green Acres
    February 10, 2022 11:41 am

    I was wondering if you could manage to include all the crazy conversations…as Burlap said, disturbing and brilliant, like walking a tightrope over deep mud. Also managed to get in a tough workout. 👏

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