The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 16 January 2021

PAX: High Cotton, Nitro (WD), Parquet (WB), Burlap, Lace, Lemming, Boomerang, Starfish, D Day, Rust Bucket, Pony Express, BAM, Splash, Huckleberry, Turnover,Bull Dog, Singing Cowboy, Root Canal (Q)

PAX: High Cotton, Nitro(WD), Parquet(WB), Burlap, Lace, Lemming, Boomerang, Starfish, D Day, Rust Bucket, Pony Express, BAM, Splash, Huckleberry, Turnover, Bull Dog, Singing Cowboy, Root Canal (Q)

Braced against the damp, foggy, cold morning, 18 PAX convened for the easy beatdown.

WARMORAMA: SSH, Abe Vigodas, ISTs, Whirleys. Ready to move on, but several late arrivals led to more warmorama. Plank jacks and mountain climbers.


…..and 20 burpees.

Mosey to the icy Lido Deck. No box hops today…. 20 L leg step ups, 20 WW IIs, 20 R leg step ups, 20 WW HIs, 20 sumo squats, 20 sumo squats, 20 WW IIs, 20 L leg rocking chair lunges, 20 gas pumps, 20 R leg rocking chair lunges, 20 squat jumps, 20 squat jumps, 20 gas pumps

….. and 20 burpees

Moseyed to the upper parking lot. Socially distanced parking spot for an interesting 78 merkin-bearcrawl beatdown. Oh, good times, good times.

….. and 20 burpees.

Rounded the corner to the rock quarry for a happy coupon for ….20 curls, 20 curl overhead press, and 20 curl overhead press skull crushers. next was 20 American Hammers (DC). Happily, we returned our coupons.

…..and 20 burpees.

Back at the upper parking lot we partnered up for a 0.5, 0.75, 1.00 Dora with 50 merkins, 75 WW IIs, and 100 squats.

……and, nope, ran out of time.

Did a Thistle 11 back at the launch.


Encouraged everyone to donate blood, go to the Beverly 43 mile run, coffeteria, and volunteer opportunity at Greenest. All at once. Thankful prayers for Sgt. Shultz’s continued recovery. Can’t wait for the triumphant return. Continued healing for Zima. Special coverage prayer over Cobra as he is helping protect our Nation’s Capitol. Encouraged the PAX to speak blessings over their family, coworkers, neighbors, fellow PAX, and strangers. Spoken blessings are powerful and effective for empowering those around us to their destiny.


The snow was awesome. Dance music was provided throughout as the default exercise for the six. Burlap and Starfish were bringing it while Parquet is getting his prom move ready. Lace is the Alpha as usual. Rust Bucket is achieving Fabio status. High Cotton has found his groove. Turnover has the highest standards for form and refuses to phone it in. So cool to see everyone picking each other up.and leaving no man behind. This turned into a “no joke” beatdown, and the positive, happy, funny attitude by all is amazing. The Family is tight and ready to bring in more members. Every Single One Of You Are Necessary To Make This Happen! A humble privilege to Q today.



  • BAM
    January 16, 2021 7:36 pm

    Yep, this was definitely a no joke beat down. But good times led by our most joyous Q!

  • Burlap
    January 18, 2021 9:08 pm

    What Root Canal left out at the Lido deck was that he threw in blocks of 5 dips 5 push-ups and 5 Peter Parkers IC from either irkin, normal or derkin position. Root Canal was pushing himself with the pace and almost no one kept up with the Q. All were Sucking wind 20 minutes into this thing. Barely survived it.

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