Resting at TRQ

QIC: Burlap

Date: 27 Aug 2020

PAX: Green Acres (WD), Wax On, D-Day, Closer, Starfish, Bevo (WB), Argyle, Ziggy Stardust, BAM, Boomerang, Wobegon, Goofy, Burlap

About 72 degrees and muggy at launch.  Boomerang remarked that we could have just stood still and sweated.


Warm up with brief mosey between each to arrive at rock pile:

Peter Parker 15 IC

Abe Vigoda 8 IC

Nolan Ryans 8 each side IC

Derkins 10 IC

Elf on a Shelf 20 IC

Merkins 10 IC


Copperhead Squats 15 IC

Get medium rock and circle up for INFINITE LOOP with 5 reps each (double count where applicable).  One pax does five reps of exercise while the rest of the Pax rest as indicated.  First Pax finishes reps and rests while next pax in circle does reps and so on until the loop is complete.  Then move immediately to the next exercise and rest command.

Exercise — rest                                        Clockwise around circle:

Monkey humpers – grab ankles

Squat Jumps – Al Gore

Merkins – high plank

Curls – 90 degree elbows with rocks

OH press – John Cusack

Low Flutters – six inches

Plankjacks – high plank

Burpees – low squat

Skull Crushers – John Cusack

Bus Drivers – straight arms with rocks

Squats – Al Gore

OH Claps – Iron Cross

Mtn Climbers – high plank

Bent over rows – bent over rocks to chest

Rock swings – straight arms with rocks

Freddie Mercs – frozen Freddie

Alabama Prom date – hold glute bridge

SSHs – spread legs iron cross

Pulse lunge right leg with rock – hold lunge with rock

Pulse lunge left leg with rock – hold lunge with rock


Return rocks and slow mosey to start for Mary:

American Hammers 20 IC

LBCs 20 IC

Jack Reachers 15 IC



  • Prayers for those facing hurricanes
  • Prayers for Kenosha WI and the world dealing with shootings by police
  • Prayers for students, teachers/professors, and parents as school has restarted
  • YHC took us out


  • Closer and Starfish were wondering aloud what the numbers of reps during the warmorama were signaling.  Turns out, the numbers were not significant, but the first letters of the exercises were.
  • Workout was partially inspired by Green Acres and his “favorite” exercise, the Howling Monkey.
  • This was Wax On’s second post, following Sunday’s ruck.  He is still working on getting moving and dropping pounds so he can have a hernia surgically repaired.  It was great to have him out with us, and he is an inspiration to me.  Thanks to D-Day for bringing him.
  • Wax On spent some time walking on the track during the Infinite Loop portion, so D-Day would periodically check on him.  This led to accusations that D-Day had a cold drink around the corner of the building that he was hiding.
  • A group on the other side of the circle — possibly composed of Starfish, Bevo, BAM, and Boomerang — seemed not to be able to hear the music and/or were complaining about something related.  BAM later correctly identified that YHC had gotten the weak-a$$ speaker by subscribing to Sports Illustrated and then immediately terminating the subscription but kept the cheap gift.  #truthnugget
  • Argyle and Bevo seemed to be having a good time and were laughing periodically through the workout.  They are apparently in better shape than YHC.
  • Ziggy Stardust didn’t say anything mean to the Q (that I could hear), so YHC won’t write snarky things about him (in this backblast).
  • BAM chose a big rock but one in proportion to his biceps.  Bevo accused BAM of using plastic surgery to bulk up his arms.
  • The Burpee portion of the Infinite Loop brought questions to Boomerang about the most recent leg of the Burpee Tour — the (other) Queen City.
  • Wobegon was pretty quiet.  He and YHC are quietly mourning the end of the Hurricanes’ season.  It’s hockey.  NHL.  Just look it up.
  • Goofy, who is rehabbing a tweaked back and has not posted regularly in recent weeks, described the workout as “perfect” due to its lack of running and jerking body movements.  YHC can only surmise that Goofy is brilliant, wise, insightful, and good-looking.
  • There was an early incident that could have turned nasty just before the workout:  Starfish got out of his car, saw Goofy, slammed the car door, and said, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Mr. Wells Fargo.”  (YHC quietly got my shotgun out of the back seat and put it by my side at the back of my car nearby.)  Starfish went on to say that his youngest son, Caviar, went into the Wells Fargo branch to open his first account.  (At this point, YHC loaded the shotgun with shells.)  Starfish said that he wasn’t happy the with outcome.  (YHC cocked the shotgun and began to raise it to his shoulder.)  Starfish then said that Caviar returned home with a UNC logo on his ATM card.  (YHC lowered the gun, emptied the shells, and put the gun back in the car.)  Starfish noted that he couldn’t follow his children everywhere and make every decision for them (true), and that the Wake logo was apparently not available so Caviar wisely chose Starfish’s wife’s alma mater.  Goofy went ahead and played the “statute of limitations” card as it has a been a few years since Goofy was Starfish’s primary banker (two employers ago for Starfish).  YHC believes that Starfish is secretly proud of Caviar for choosing the UNC logo and wants him to go college there (like his second son), but doesn’t say it aloud so as not to offend the other local Wake grads.

Thanks to all for the honor and responsibility of leading the workout.  Good to be with you all.




  • Goofy
    August 27, 2020 12:12 pm

    A completely accurate retelling of this mornings events.

  • BAM
    August 27, 2020 1:06 pm

    Not completely accurate. Bevo’s bicep comments were directed at Green Acres, and assumed my rock was actually a hide-a-key.

    And Bevo and TR might have the same range of motion during squats.

  • Starfish
    August 27, 2020 1:58 pm

    1) So YHC actually legitimately opened a new Wells Fargo account which is a good thing and is hoping that helps all of the Wells Fargo bankers at TRQ this morning with hitting their sales goals. But y’all need to work on the college team logo selection. Currie won’t even charge you near as much as Bubba Cunningham must have.
    2) Goofy will always be YHC’s favorite banker. YHC even tells his current WF banker in Austin that all the time. She has a lot to live up to.
    3) YHC was able to fill Closer in on having the Flaming Lips over for Thanksgiving Dinner. But forgot to tell him about that one time in Philly where he got to hang out in the hotel bar with Roger Daltrey. Rumor has it Sir Daltrey was on the playlist this morning but YHC couldn’t hear him due to the aforementioned “speaker”.
    4) YHC is still calling BS on the Warm-O-Rama rep counts not meaning anything. Numbers ALWAYS mean something to Burlap.

    • Burlap
      August 27, 2020 8:59 pm

      Of course, the Fish is right. Numbers always mean something to YHC. But in this case, it was not what y’all suspected. The numbers of reps during both Warmorama and Mary were simply what the Q felt was appropriate for the moment and designed to be just a little hard or slightly challenging but not really pushing the effort envelope for that stage Of the workout.

  • Stan Scott
    August 27, 2020 6:13 pm

    The events recorded are correct and AO site Q approved. If such an approval exists.

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