Lady Tabata Visits Flatline

QIC: Drip

Date: 2/181/20

PAX: Cherry Pie, Palin, Mutton (WD), Van Gogh, Huckleberry, Just for Men, Zima, Turnover, HOG, Burns (WB), $5, Drip

Mosey to Upper Corpening Plaza. Flutter steps with squat, Mike Tysons, Burpees, SSH for 60 sec each the 20 sec rest.  Repeat all the exercises for 50, then 40, then 30 then 20 the 10 sec each with a 20 sec rest after each set of 4 exercises. Total time: 16 min.

Mosey to Parking Deck :  Every Minute on the Minute for 10 min.  5 Pull Ups, 5 WMD Merkins, 15 Squat Jumps.

Mosey to Hanes Park Entrance: 20 sec of each with 10 sec rest between. Heels to Heaven, American Hammer, Low Flutter, WWII, Plank Punches. Repeat sequence for 15 min.

41 mins of Hard Work and 4 mins Running.

Announcements:  A LOT of good communication about the March 7 Convergence at Jamison Park summarized down to: EH new guys to F3 and think about a brother you have not seen in a while and reach out to invite him to post.

Prayer Requests: Palin and his growing family (especially Mrs. Palin as she raises her two boys). Burns and Mrs. Burns as the twin’s arrivals approach.

T-claps to Burns and his Posse of Studs: VG, Palin, TO, Just for Men and HOG for a 3 mile EC run that reportedly involved a looooong hill.  You guys are Beasts!

YHC will just come out and say it, Lady Tabata is a mean woman. But she was fluent in the F3 Lexicon and had researched the Exicon well, and we were all better men for spending 45 minutes with her.  It was a hard fought journey though.  VG, always the rule follower, was very disturbed that she had been EH’d to an all male workout.  (What would the Iron Pax boys say if this ever got out?)  The complaints were coming down as hard as last week’s rain and from all sides, but the Pax soon settled down and got the work done.  HOG claimed the music wasn’t inspirational enough but YHC noticed a spring in his squat jump during Van Halen’s guitar solo. Good to meet Just for Men.  He is in the same category as Mutton: Zero complaints and 100% effort.  Speaking of complaints, and as expected, Zima kept yelling at Tabitha as if she was a real person and then turned his wrath on YHC, like I had any control of the woman. But it was hard to take him seriously when he was grinning the whole time. Huck was busy showing off his super power as the Burpee-Master and Cherry Pie was busy being himself busting through all the exercises and waiting patiently for the next round. YHC felt a little guilty not having anything written cardboard for Turnover conquer, maybe next time.  The Man of the Hour, or the 45 minutes, had to be Palin. Sleep deprived and all, he knocked out the run and the workout.  Being a new dad is hard work, but YHC knows you are going to be great at it.   Oh yeah…Burns is going to shave his beard when the babies are born. Thanks for the keys $5, you run a very tight ship and your infectious positivity spills over into your AO.  Check with the Lady, she dropped the keys in her purse as she was leaving.




  • Van Gogh
    February 19, 2020 9:52 am

    This was Brutal. The first Tabata work really brought out the MC since no one had to count their reps… Parking deck work was the worst part by far, and by that I mean great!

  • Zima
    February 19, 2020 5:31 pm

    Turnover made my favorite F3 quote of the year so far.

    During the excruciating long and completely unnecessary session of Mary, some of the yahoos on the other side of the circle were more concerned with which way each PAX was facing rather than concentrating on their own damn exercises (you know who you are). YHC decided to give them one less piece of fodder to mumble about and commented to Turnover that I turned my body around to “shut them up”. Without missing a beat, Turnover deadpans back to me, “I not sure you really understand how this works.” Maybe you had to be there in the moment to fully appreciate the humor, but given the fact that the useless motormouths did not, in fact, “shut up”, I guess Turnover knows what he’s talking about. I literally giggled all day thinking about that comment.

  • Cherry Pie
    February 19, 2020 8:15 pm

    Drip…make no mistake, your cute little Tabata work out was perfectly awful. Thank you very little!

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