Bluto’s birthday, haunted Apple watch, gassy pax, and complaining — all in miserable conditions

QIC: Burlap

Date: 11 Feb 2019

PAX: Manscape (WD), Palin (WB), Balco, Root Canal, Greenspan, Burlap

YHC is OK with below-freezing temps and snow.  YHC can handle heat.  But my least favorite conditions are mid-30s and rainy.  This morning we had 36 with drizzle and a very soggy ground.

My hands were nearly frozen by the end, due in part to the poor glove choice YHC made, but mostly due to the wet, cold conditions and all the stuff we did on the soggy field.   Here is the THANG:

Warm up in parking lot

Copperhead squats IC
Running with Scissors IC
Peter Parkers IC
Toy Soldiers IC
Hillbillies IC
Nolan Ryans IC
Windmills IC

Follow the leader transportation out of parking lot and left on Sally Kirk to entrance of first cut of drive thru at JMS.

Bear Crawl about 40 feet, then plank walk sideways with feet on curb and hands on road for about 40 feet, then flip to hands on curb and feet on road for rest.

Mosey to corner of field and Partner up for the BLUTO:

Partner A runs length of field and back while partner B does

Burpees (flapjack)
Lunges (flapjack)
Up-Downs (flapjack)
Turkish Get-ups (flapjack)
Overhead Claps (flapjack)

Captain Therkin:

• One RT IC
• Five merkins IC on ‘down’
• Two RT IC
• Five merkins IC on ‘down’
• Repeat up to 10 RT and 10 WWIIs

Run back to start for Mary

Freddie Mercury IC
Low Dolley IC
Rosalita IC
Low Flutter IC
Plank with variations



  • Prayers for Palin and his family
  • Root Canal was ready to get back to his warm, comfy abode so we didn’t have any other announcements or prayers
  • YHC took us out


  • When YHC led the warmorama in the parking lot, he heard descriptions of the dry area under the shelter but ignored them.
  • Undeterred, Palin made the circle extend to the edge of the shelter where the ground was dry and the light drizzle did not reach.
  • The Pax seemed to enjoy the bear crawl and curb work, despite complaints that their hands were getting wet.
  • Thankfully, no pax were injured running through and around the mud.
  • YHC came up with the BLUTO to commemorate the Nantan’s 40th birthday sometime soon, but Bluto enjoyed his fartsack this morning.  There are not a lot of “U” exercises in the Exicon.  Also, there aren’t many specific exercises that start with “T”.  YHC thought the field would be wet but went ahead with the Turkish Get-ups anyway.
  • Palin talked, complaining through the entire set of Captain Therkin.  He claimed it was distracting from the pain.  If you did the whole set, it was 110 RTs (each side), 110 WWII situps, and 50 merkins.
  • BALCO was checking his watch more than normal and realized he had texts coming in through that Apple device.  He had to leave the field for a few minutes to make sure everything was OK.  He returned and completed the BLUTO so we can only assume that the patient was in good hands or his M could handle the vomiting kids — either way, we enjoyed his company.  Balco seemed to indicate that his watch wasn’t supposed to get texts, but did anyway.  The Outhouse has wi-fi.
  • Root Canal has taken to calling himself Dr. Toot Canal.  YHC discovered why while running beside and slightly ahead of him today.  It seems like it was contagious — see Balco.
  • Greenspan bolted a few minutes early for work meeting out of town.
  • Manscape did all the work with NO complaining or whining — at least not audible to the Q.
  • It stopped raining, so YHC allowed the Mary work to be under the shelter.

Overall, it was a miserable workout for YHC, mostly due to conditions.  It was made bearable by the other Pax and their chirping.  Glad we did it!

Thanks to Greenspan for the keys.



  • Spamalot
    February 11, 2019 2:27 pm

    The cold and wet conditions were widespread across all AOs!

  • Greenspan
    February 11, 2019 4:34 pm

    This was terrible. Burlap is a warrior and did not relent. YHC was guilty of MC until about round four of Captain Therkin—it became impossible after that point.

  • Jeff Leal
    February 11, 2019 11:00 pm

    the good natured MC creates the context for shared misery and is bonding. Can’t thank Burlap enough for understanding the true nature of MC.

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