It feels like the first time

QIC: Ice Dancer

Date: 7/21/18

PAX: Drama Queen, Vegemite, Lysol, Fingers, Drano, ButterMaker, InkSpot, TPS, IceDancer

Pax: Fingers, Drama Queen, TPS, ButterMaker, VegeMite, Ink Spot, Drano, Lysol, Ice Dancer


Do you remember your first Q? YHC does. At first, YHC (ok, I got to stop writing YHC for this post) declined Toto’s  and others request to do it, out of fear of not being prepared or knowing what to do. But then I ran out of excuses and stepped up to the plate.

@F3WinstonSalem has changed a lot since I first started. When backblast ARE posted (more on that later), I read about what you think is “mumble chatter”. Man you have no idea what kind of mumble chatter we use to have. And yes, @Mongoose was the king of it.

So when I Q’ed for the first time, my single goal was to isolate @mongoose and his #MummbleChatter. I started the PAX off in a mosey and didn’t stop moseying. I was just waiting for anyone to complain, I mean anyone. Guess who piped up first (within .25 miles)? Bingo – Mongoose.  “Uh, this is not suppose to be a running workout.  OGs was yesterday.” Bonus points for being cute and clever, Mongoose.

I immediately had the PAX drop into a plank. We were in the middle of the track at Hanes. I told the PAX to hold the plank while Mongoose ran a lap. If he made it back in 1 min 30 sec,  we would continue our regularly scheduled routine. If he didn’t, we would hold the plank until he could. Guess what? He made it back with 5 sec to spare. Guess what else? He didn’t pipe up again the rest of the workout and rarely ever directly at me on my Qs going forward.

The point is, I remember the time and thought I put into my first Q. I read as many #BBs as I could (and still do) to get ideas on what to do during my Q. What seemed to work and what didn’t. I was so excited I could barely sleep the night before.

My Q at #DawgPound this week was no different. I was a little nervous and jittery because I hadn’t Q’ed in a long time. I went to read the previous #bbs at #Dawgpound to see what was fresh and new. However, there were only 4-5 #BB’s for like the last 3 months. When I checked other AOs it was similar in some and a little better in others.

Men, come on. If you are going to go through all the effort to Q – FINISH THE JOB!  Post the #BB. Everyone that posted at your Q wants to read what an amazing job you did putting it together. Maybe a little part of them even wants recognition for posting (not me – I have just heard that from others).

#DashStrong PAX looking to Q at the AO you just Q’ed want to know what awesome things they can do to get Mongoose to shut his trap.  Be like Nike – Just do it.  You brought something different to your Q just by showing up and leading.  Give others the courage and creative license to do the same by spending 10–15 mins to write it up in a #BB (ok, I may have gone over that myself in this #BB).

To bring it back, last night I was just as excited as my first Q.  I woke-up every hour thinking I had overslept. It truly felt like the first time!


The Thang:

Mosey from parking lot through #TotalRecall’s neighborhood. Take a left on the horse trail and follow it all the way to stables ~1 mi.  And absolutely no one said anything (we would have stopped sooner if anyone had spoken up, but alas true #Mc is a lost art form) .

Plank for six

10 burpees when six arrives

20 SSH

10 merkins

20 IST

Mosey to exit road of bed and breakfast

Jacob’s Ladder to fountain – 7 rounds with Diamond merkins at the bottom and Wide-arm derkins at the top at fountain.

Mosey to trail behind B&B to large Oak tree at the top of an open meadow.

Jacob’s Ladder to bottom of meadow -5 rounds with jump-Squat-lunges (Mary Katherine’s?) at the top, 4-count copperhead jump squats at the bottom.

Mosey to dam and then “up” to road and back home.


4.9 miles with a warm-o-Rama, and two simple pain stations.

All PAX  completed all reps (to Qs knowledge) and made it back to launch within 2 min post wrap up time. Great work by all!

It was a pleasure to be with you. It definitely made YHC proud to be #DashStrong


#DramaQueen stated #Schmedfest has been postponed until #Plunger posts again.


YHC took us out



Saddly none until we returned to parking lot.

DQ welcomed YHC to not Q again.  Compliment?

Fingers, thanks for the keys. I needed it.







  • The Vig
    July 22, 2018 7:05 am

    #kotters Ice Dancer. Glad to see you back in the Gloom.

  • Spamalot
    July 22, 2018 8:52 am

    Spot on ID!! Thanks for the reminder that being Q is more than just leading the workout.

  • Sean Kinder
    July 22, 2018 9:25 am

    Q=Leadership, Leadership=”A bunch ‘O stuff” like courage, integrity, passion, guts, humility, accountability Qing an F3 workout asks a PAX to do all of these things, but perhaps the most important is “giving it away” to give without any expectations, give knowing you will fail, give knowing that it requires xtra work. Great Q Mr ID! Great reminder that the “Q” has responsibilities, and “leading” ain’t easy, but when you adopt the “give it away” mentality it makes it all worthwhile. YHC failed at MC, no excuse…good reminder ID! Great 2 see #DawgLbs

  • Bum
    July 22, 2018 11:15 am

    No mumble chatter from me because I could not breathe. First post for me in 4 weeks, it was perfect. Thanks for the beat down and almost making me splash merlot!!!

  • Fingers
    July 23, 2018 5:12 am

    great Q @IceDancer! running off the beaten path was a nice change; the pain stations were placed at just the right moments; thanks for taking the time to plan the route & the workout and for executing; and thanks for the leadership!

  • DQ Drama Queen
    July 23, 2018 8:26 pm

    YHC thought there was quite a bit of MC – problem was the Q was 30 to 50 yds ahead of the mass of slow Pax the majority of the workout. Only Drano could keep him in sight. YHC did like the trails. Ice Dancer has brought the full heat to some of my more memorable F3 workouts – this one makes that list. One bene was the running today at VI seemed like a piece of cake

  • Sour Mash
    July 24, 2018 8:56 am

    YHC has waited a lifetime
    Spent my time so foolishly
    But now that YHC’s found you
    Together we’ll make history
    And YHC knows that it must be the Q in you
    That brings out the HIM in me
    YHC knows I can’t help myself
    You’re all my eyes can see

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