Yes, it has been a minute so do it! (And enthusiasm not anger) #TheEstate

QIC: Tuco

Date: 5/22/2018

PAX: Hoptoberfest, Closer, Mutton, 5 Dollar Footlong, Plunger, Tonka, Lemming, Snooki, Cobra, Litterbox, Huckleberry, Touch Me Not, Chisel, Jar Jar, Focker, Screech, Burns, Swiss Miss, Le Freak, Undertow, Bam, Roosevelt, Bluto, D-Day, Manscape, Tuco

Yes, it has been a minute so do it! (And enthusiasm not anger) #TheEstate


Pax: Hoptoberfest, Closer, Mutton, 5 Dollar Footlong, Plunger, Tonka, Lemming, Snooki, Cobra, Litterbox, Huckleberry, Touch Me Not, Chisel, Jar Jar, Focker, Screech, Burns, Swiss Miss, Le Freak, Undertow, Bam, Roosevelt, Bluto, D-Day, Manscape, Tuco

Have had this Q in the hopper marinating for a while.  Was waiting for the right time to unleash it and fortune smiled upon me. (of course by the end totally cursing myself)  This will likely be my last Q at The Estate for a while so all stops pulled out.

Appropriate message given via Twitter regarding likelihood of being a bit damp and shoes being dirty at the end of this workout.  Some lobbying the previous evening by a brother who will remain anonymous about preferring not to get himself or his shoes dirty.  I listened, I understood, I ignored.  And the brother came out to support anyway, appreciate that.  Let’s do this!

Hanging over the entire workout – every minute the Pax will do 2 burpees, tabata timer employed, no matter what we were in the middle of stop and do your burpees and resume  Despite some rumbling YHC believes deep down the Pax LOVED this twist.  That’s right, LOVED!


Burpees x 2 and start the timer

SSH x 20 IC

IW x 15 IC

Abe Vigodas x 15 IC

Whirly with the Clap x 15 IC

Mosey to soccer field


YHC has been fascinated by (and hate very much) the two exercise nightmares set to Roxanne and Sally.  But YHC wanted his own so while driving a couple weeks ago, MJ’s Beat It came on and the epiphany happened!  Each time MJ says Beat It we do an up-down and in between during singing and music we do squats.  Made clear only when MJ says Beat It, not the back up singers.  Somewhere around 25 up-downs done.  Pax LOVED it!

3-man grinders (4 minute intervals, about 100 yard round trip between the two partners)

Merkins-Low Flutter


Overhead Clap-LBC

Reverse Lunge-Mutton Crunch R

Arm Circles F-Penguin

Sumo Lunge-Mutton Crunch L

Arm Circles R-Box Cutter


Seal Clap-Plank

May have cut the last two pairs a bit short as time was running out.  As conveyed to me by the same anonymous Pax who previously made it clear he did not want to get himself and his shoes dirty and wet, “it’s 6:12 bro”.

Mosey back to parking lot.

And scene!

– Schmedfest August 25
– Swiss Miss birthday October 21
– Welcome to 5 Dollar Foot Long – apparently half the man he used to be (in body not in spirit) and Plunger prefers to call him Razzie

Prayer requests:
– Ray Laird passed after battle with cancer, leaves wife and kids behind, prayers for the family


Plunger took us out strong asking for prayers for those who are in need and the strength for us all to be better.


– Rumbling and grumbling but all Pax got after it.  Total burpee count was either 90 or 92 and about 2.5 miles covered.

– Love the rumbling and grumbling, music to my ears.

– The best compliment of the day, Plunger let me know the workout was “sufficient”

– 2nd best compliment, a few Pax, I apologize for not remembering the names, made it clear, “that sucked”

– While he claims sincerity, sarcastic clapping by Swiss Miss was fantastic.

– Did not hear much more, significant ringing in my ears, chest pain, right leg soreness and general discomfort took most of my attention.  A few people asked if I could leave earlier for Richmond but I am certain they were just kidding.

– Should be noted: TWO tabata timers used and music played via Spotify (questionable music but still was there)  At least in my experience, first time with TWO tabata timers.  Excuse me while I go collect my award for Most Tabata Timers Used By a Q at One Workout (Asian male, 43, married, has two kids and a dog division)

Gentlemen, while it will be a bit of time yet before I am not a regular at F3WS I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the support, push, laughs and camaraderie you have so graciously shared with me.  The chances of me getting up for a workout at 530am on my own are, wait let me check my math, less then zero.  The fact that I enjoy getting out there, after the momentary curse at the alarm, is entirely your doing.  I look forward to getting after it with the F3RVA but will always consider myself part of the Dash Pax.

One more time, thank you.


Huckleberry – I am keeping the keys as a memento.


  • Spamalot
    May 22, 2018 12:50 pm

    Tuco – sorry to have missed this one. Nevertheless, you have led some memorable Qs… such as the time you unleashed a FIA workout and nearly ended us all. Or when you had to lead three sets of ab exercises at the bottom of education hill. Good times indeed. My favorite “Tuco” moment was during the Bourbon Chase last year while you ran the “Mr. T” leg. First, that hill was just stupid. Hell, even the Hulkster ended up walking up that thing. But the best part was the visual of you running past the locals sitting in their rocking chairs, playing their banjos. Will always bring a smile to my face. Though it may make you break out in a cold sweat!!

  • Brian Dexter
    May 22, 2018 1:55 pm

    Tclaps, @Tuco. Sufficient beating, indeed. And teaming with @Litterbox and @Snookie leaves zero room for slacking. I slept well last night.

    Gonna miss having you around, but F3RVA will definitely benefit with your presence.


  • BAM
    May 22, 2018 2:57 pm

    Yeah, this was about as flawless of a design as you could create – we never stopped moving, the burpee on the minute change up was brilliant and added just the right amount of dred/mental distraction, partner work included, and sarcastic slow claps.

    Agree with Spamalot, you having to repeat your core exercises at anniversary was priceless!

  • Zuckerberg
    May 22, 2018 11:07 pm

    Dude… love he ‘Beat It’ exercise. May have to steal that one.

    Strong lookin’ beatdown!

  • Van Gogh
    May 23, 2018 9:26 am

    Agreed that “Beat It” sounds like a great musical set. May steal it as well. My how far you have come since you were an FNG… you’ll be missed in the Dash, but I’m sure Richmond PAX will be happy to have you!

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