“Let me guess…5 merkins?”

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 10-5-2017

PAX: Shotsale, Zima, BMOC, Manscape, Birdhole, Headwig, Rustbucket, Ronaldo, Landshark, Guttenberg, Gator, Toetag, PepperPots, Wobegon.

A nice turnout of PAX this morning was made nicer and larger when the 6 Murph-ers emerged from the gloom, headlamps blazing, to join us just in time to get after it…

SSH 15

Merkin 5

Walkers 15

Abe 10

Merkin 5

The Thang
Mosey to Ledo Deck, grab some bench. Each pair below done OYO then recover or Al Gore for the 6.

  • Box Jumps 10, Merkin 5
  • Left Lift 10, Merkin 5
  • Right Lift 10, Merkin 5
    (it was about here that the more astute pax saw a trend emerge…)
  • Dips 10, Merkin 5
  • American Hammer 10, Merkin 5
  • WW2 10, Merkin 5

Next up:  mosey to the rocks, grab a medium-to-challenging sized rock, circle up.

Rock on with the following IC:

  • Curls 15..then…5 merkins!
  • Genuine 10 (lesser know, a squat with a chest press) then… 5 merkins!
  • Skull crusher 15…then…5 merkins!
  • Elf on the shelf 10 left…5 merkins!
  • 10 right…5 merkins! (even lesser known, done by placing the rock at your foot, lifting it across your body and above your head, as if putting it on a high shelf)
  • American Hammer (with rocks!) 15 then…5 merkins!

There was a rock-less lap around the circle followed (probably) by merkins in there somewhere, I think…

John Cussack around the circle and put up your rock, head to the wall.

PAX got into the people’s chair for the following:

Jack Reachers 5 each down the line…5 merkins!

Rock Pass 5 chest presses with the rock, then pass down the line… 5 merkins!

Lunge walk to the grass and back…5 merkins!

Mule kicks 10 OYO…5 merkins!


Lap around the circle, line up for Indian run to the flagpole for…5  merkins and 10 WW2s

Apollo creed to the street and back for….5 merkins!

Lunge walk the long way around the cars to the starting point for Mary… but first…5 merkins!


15 each: Mutton left, mutton right, penguin, heels to heaven, LBCs, then Superman till time expires.

Then….5 merkins! (just kidding, that was it).

If my count is right that was 100 merkins…give or take 5 merkins. Merkins!

Prayer requests:

BMOC’s father in law had a minor stroke, prayers for recovery


Beer brewing happening at Hoptoberfest’s shop soon, then a beer run in November. Then the drinking of the beer.

2ndF Carolina Thunderbirds (Hockey, baby!) Orders due by next Friday to YHC or Spam-A-Lot. $11 a ticket, tailgating before, “F3 Winston-Salem” in lights on the big board, beer and hot dogs, M and 2.0 friendly.

YHC took us out. Great group, great energy, tons of positivity and much hard work. Nice way to start the day. Thanks, Shortsale, for the keys.


  • Burlap
    October 5, 2017 1:23 pm

    Wait. Did BMOC post to a workout? Glad to see that name in the BB.

    Great job, Wobegon. That is a lot of work even without the merkins. Feel like I should do five merkins just for reading the BB.

  • Sour Mash
    October 6, 2017 4:45 pm

    What’s a “Merkin”?

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