Conspiracy – “Ready, Go”

QIC: Miyagi

Date: 10/4/2017

PAX: Spicoli, Manscape, Cheerio, Light Bright, Juice Box, Capri Sun, Roosevelt, Peacemaker, Mr. Hand, Razzy, (David) FNG Renaldo, Glazer, (John) FNG Gator, Mutton, Conway, Birdhole, The Vig, Thisel, Miyagi

19 Pax came out for YHC’s VQ workout this morning.  The harassment was particularly strong at first but started dying down when the Pax began feeling sympathetic towards YHC. Special thanks to Birdhole for bringing 2 FNGs…BB&T training has been great for the numbers.  YHC’s disclaimer was nowhere near as good as JB’s the week before but he was able to work in a subtle pitch for Novant Health (management encourages advertisement whenever possible).

Started out with a warm-a-rama of 20 side straddle hops, 20 imperial storm troopers, 10 Abe Vigodas(not slow enough), 10 Whirlys, and 10 air claps.  YHC had a failed attempt to change the verbiage of warm-a-rama…”Ready, Go” didn’t seem to resonate with the Pax as much as “In cadence, Exercise”.  Oh well, there is always next time.

YHC is particularly fond of the Intimidator, so we moseyed over to the base for a little 1-2-3 partner work.  Round 1 was 100 Merkins/run to the first intersection and back with planking for the 6, Round 2 was 200 WWII sit-ups/run to the first intersection and back with planking for the 6, and Round 3 was 300 Squats/run to the first intersection and back with Al Gore(ing) for the 6.

We then moseyed over to the track for some 7 layer dip action with some time killing running scattered throughout.  YHC thinks he knows what “7 two-count Dips” are but opted for the MIB approach of doing the exercise until he thought others were done.  The spread was Dips, 100 yard dash (more of a mosey after the Intimidator), 10 Plank jacks, 100 yard dash, Dips, 10 Right leg step ups, Dips, 10 Left leg step ups, Dips, 100 yard dash, 10 Mountain climbers, 100 yard dash, Dips, 10 Erkins, Dips.  YHC just realized that he cheated the Pax out of its seventh layer of Dip…my apologies.

Mary on the newly minted “Patio area” was a quick 15 American hammer, 15 Low flutter, 10 Heels to heaven, and 15 LBCs.

To recap for Light Bright…(David) FNG Renaldo is here for BB&T training. He hails from DC and originally Guatemala.  Big fan of Barcelona soccer. (John) FNG Gator is also here for BB&T training.  He is an Atlanta boy who pulls for the Georgia Bulldogs.  Hope to see you guys out again next time you are in town.

Announcement: Unspoken announcement that Swiss Miss’s B-day is Oct 21st…since it is now officially his birthday month, he is resting up.

Prayer request: Please keep the Gibbs family from Asheville in your prayers. Let us all remember how quickly life can change and how we can always offer love and support for those in need and for those who have suffered tragedy in their lives.

Thanks to the Pax for a strong turnout today and for helping me through my VQ!


  • Burlap
    October 4, 2017 3:21 pm

    T-claps, Miyagi!! Strong work by all. Thanks for stepping up and leading. Keep doing it.

    Others who have not had their VQ should take note.

  • Glazer
    October 4, 2017 9:42 pm

    Fine work Miyagi! “Ready, Go”… will now be part of the #Conspiracy vernacular/traditions… up there with the shooting lazer guns during Imperial Storm Troopers (thank you MIB). You even branded one of our favorite areas of the AO: The Patio (Or Vig’s Patio as Cheerio later called it). Glad you got your VQ under your belt and did with flying colors! T-claps and thanks for stepping up!

  • Rob Boone
    October 4, 2017 9:46 pm

    Nice work miyagi. Intimidator has a special place in my heart, literally!!! Right thistle?? Strong work by all.

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