Palin’s Speedo Will Be Poppin’

QIC: Frostbite

Date: 5/25/2024

PAX: @Mutton, @Spicoli, @Palin, @Yukon Cornelius (WB), @Ziggy Stardust (WD), @BooBoo, @BrownBag, @Frostbite (QiC)

With summer right around the corner, YHC decided to bring some pain to the lower half of our bodies this AM.  YHC devised the plan yesterday after having a terrific lunch bunch with a few follow #PAX and #HIMs.  @Transcript and @Ziggy mentioned that Hanes Park is a little scary, so after trying to EH, I threw out the kindness and wanted to bring some pain (to the lower body).

This workout was loosely copied from a @Burns Q in December when we only did legs… because legs are the most important part!

After directing traffic to the local tennis tournament, we got started and it went something like this.


SSH (20 x IC)

Whirley’s Got the Clap (10 x IC)

Imperial Storm Trooper (10 x IC)

Abe Vigoda (6 x IC)

Knowing our arms were not going to be used,  we moved onto the thangggg.

The Thang 1: Intimidator

We moseyed to the start of the Intimidator. @Brown Bag had never experienced it before, so of course, we had to incorporate it.

#PAX were instructed to do 5 step ups each leg. Then mosey to Carolina Intersection and do 20 reps of exercise OYO then mosey back. Rinse & Repeat.

Exercises at Carolina intersection were:

  1. Squats
  2. Lunges (DC)
  3. Electric Chair (2 steps = 1)
  4. Side Lunges (DC)
  5. Jump Squats
  6. Reverse Lunges (DC)
  7. Single Leg Alabama Prom Dates (DC)
  8. Monkey Humpers

Pax took turns staying with @Yukon at the bottom doing various things like Dino Walks, Tag, Duck Duck Goose or just chatting (props to @Spicoli and @Ziggy for assisting!)

When we wrapped up this, @Palin and @Yukon were doing some Duck Duck Goose…. so, YHC obliged the #PAX and gave our legs a rest and we joined in on the fun.

The Thang #2: Duck Duck Goose

#PAX planked in a circle. We played Duck Duck Goose for 3 rounds.

Mosey to Track…. oops too busy. Mosey to playground area.

The Thang #3: Legs, Legs, Legs

Find some spots at a bench. Do 5 Bulgarian Split Squats (Each leg), 25 squats.

Run around the playground. Rinse and Repeat x 3.

The Thang #4: TimeWasters 

20 Squatty Potty’s

20 Calf Raises

Mosey back to launch for Mary


Low Flutter (15 x IC)

Low Dolley (15 x IC)

Mutton Crunch L/R (10 x IC)

LBCs (10 x IC)

and TIME!


@Palin will be at Sherwood Pool in a Speedo today. Be sure to look at his back end.. it should be popping according to him after this beatdown.

@Yukon was very confused at our version of Duck Duck Goose. We should have been sitting, you are correct sir.

@BrownBag met @Ziggy for the first time and they reminisced on the WFU Chi Psi chapter glory days. @Ziggy was the faculty advisor to the esteemed fraternity tomfoolery.

@BooBoo gets full credit in my eyes even if he joined us midway through. No sign of PicnicBasket, though.

@Spicoli ran on @Spicoli time but was out front all the time. His 2.2 is cast free — so maybe that is why!

@Mutton and YHC talked ACC baseball. Neither one of us stayed up for the thriller of UNC vs Wake last night. Go Deacs!

Lots of questions on where @LambChop was — looks like he was point hunting in the May Challenge by doubling down at ROCC this morning… strong work!

Strong work and strong fellowship. I am hoping I will still make it on the dance floor this weekend for a wedding. Sorry to my M if I will be in an ice bath instead.


Memorial Day Convergence at ROCC aka #Alcatraz. 0600am Murph, 0700am Beatdown led by @Schlitz.  No RNG.

#HighLife is on. Tuesdays. 1930pm. Miller Park. @Wobegon is on the Q.  Maybe got an SC from @Ziggy and @BooBoo since they are the only ones in attendance whom have not partaked in the fun, yet.

YHC took us out for all unspoken prayers, thanking the SkyQ for a beautiful morning with each of these gents!

All the love,


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