Igor TchaiTOOTski

QIC: Dr. Toot

Date: 3 April 2024

PAX: Crash, Rollback(WB), Offsides, Subfloor, Dr. Toot(WD, Q)

Surprisingly , no rain, but promised a no run Mayhem, so we scurried to the picnic shelter for…

WARMORAMA: super quick because why do we need to stretch when we have…

THE THANG to do, which is based on ballerina workouts which I found on Mr. YouTube(no judgement)#notcreepy.  Set to ballet music and the Tabata App, 50 seconds on and 10 second rest, we progressed through…

V ups, L leg lateral hip raises with opposing leg and arm vertical, R leg lateral hip raises with opposing arm and leg vertical, L leg out and up Alabama prom date, R leg up and down Alabama prom dates, WW IIs, L leg raises from upper plank, R leg raises from upper plank, erkins, American hammers, WW IIs, slow Freddy Merc’s, Superman merkins, vertical toe touches, plank, derkins, swimmers in Superman position,  one legged V ups alternating legs, WW IIs, sumo squats, squatty pottys, backwards low plank with alternating leg raises, WW IIs, low dolly with toes pointed out and in, calf raises in pliat position, calf raises in squatted position, L reverse lunge, R reverse lunge, cockroaches, reverse cockroaches(ask me about that one), WW IIs, Squatty pottys, WW IIs, burpees, and that was about time.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 7:30 pm beatdown at Miller Park soon, 5-7 pm meet up at Village Tavern this Thursday.

COT: remembering the blessing of being out and about regardless of our fitness level and prompt miraculous healing for those not here.

MNM: Beatdown was conducive to mumblechatter, which occured in pleasant bits and pieces as the fancy music bathed us in classy culture. Lots of core work today.

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