Pull Out Game Weak

QIC: Frostbite

Date: 2/23/2023

PAX: @Starfish, @Cherry Pie, @Lamb Chop, @Schlitz, @Workbench, @Huckleberry, @Mutton, @Burns, @Van Gogh, @Sexwax, @Frostbite (YHC, QIC)

Well, yes, we are back to writing seductive backblasts…

I have you hooked purely on the name… surely 11 dudes didn’t talk about their pull out game this morning? Or did we? Did we do the deed? Some M’s may think that’s what we do so early in the morning…

Regardless, you are now reading this and might as well read the rest.

YHC wanted to venture out of the normal #WIB AOs (Thru Way, ROCC, Calvary, and the Harris Teeter’s on Robinhood (@Zima)) so YHC decided to pick the closest one to YHC’s home and do the Food Lion on Hawthorne.

We began by doing the 6th core principal of SSH (20 x IC) and Copperhead Squats (10 x IC)

We moseyed up to Magnolia to the front of my house and that is where it began.

If you didn’t know this was also formerly @Starfish’s home in the 1990s.  And no, I was not conceived in that home. But @Chicken Biscuit (1 time-only-poster) surely was.  Pull Out Game WEAK @Starfish!

The Thang

I kept it pretty simple knowing the route was hilly and a little bit longer. Start at Magnolia/Maplewood intersection with Burpees.  Run up Maplewood to Coventry and do Diamond Merkins.  Right on Coventry to Lyndhurst and do Jump Squats.  Down Lyndhurst to Magnolia and do WW2s. Back to Magnolia/Maplewood intersection.

We started with 5 of each exercise and got up to 15, then went back down.  Most either started/finished the 5th set and we did some core while waiting on the 6. Ended with 5 burpees at Food Lion.  Strong work by all!

The Full Loop was 0.60 miles so we got around 3 miles and a 4.7 on the Garmin effect.


I tried to put the EH on @Spicoli and @Greenspan yesterday.  @Greenspan was a #HC until I got the message his M asked him to stay home due to having PTO.  @Spicoli texted and said he is nursing an injury.  Absences were excused but noted.  I think @Huckleberry only showed up to see @Greenspan, though.

@Lamb Chop and @Schlitz were the first to arrive as I walked down to the AO. They mentioned that their 2.0s had a relatively good night’s rest and they were up around 4am and finished feeding around 5am and decided to stay up and post.

As I welcomed everyone to the wonderful neighborhood of Ardmore, a car alarm started to go off.  @Huckleberry pointed out that yeah this is a lovely place I live…

@Van Gogh, @Cherry Pie, @Huckleberry were out in the lead from the beginning. @Starfish @Burns @Lamb Chop were not too far behind.

There was not much mumble chatter that I was aware of.  We tried to keep it quiet due to the neighbors still being asleep. @Burns and @Lamb Chop were talking about gardening and having land.  @Lamb Chop’s blackberry plant is doing really well. He also grew up in Buena Vista where it was 5 minutes to everywhere and doesn’t like being far away from things.

@Workbench asked if my wife (who had the lights on in our home towards the end of the workout) was up brewing the coffee and making bagels/doughnuts for us all.  Good idea but YHC is not that hospitable.

@Starfish questioned whether or not the burpees at the end were on my weinke.  They were not but I didn’t want @Cherry Pie to go home not pleased.

As we were wrapping up in COT, @Lamb Chop and @Schlitz were lamenting having newborns and how tiring it can be.  This was noted by the other older PAX members.  Their advice… “It gets better”. @Lamb Chop asked “WHEN?” and then @Cherry Pie and @Starfish essentially said it doesn’t and that they are still parenting adult aged children.  So, it was decided that indeed it does not get better… but maybe the sleep increases.

Hearing all of the grumbling about parenting, and as YHC was the only non-parent in the group, I mentioned it was a good form of birth control hearing all that comes with being a parent.  @Schlitz mumbled under his breath just loud enough to hear something about “I wish my pull out game…” and the title was born. For now, YHC will continue to pull out and let others be parents.  Sorry @Starfish you won’t be a grandad right now.

In all seriousness, it was great to have both @Lamb Chop and @Schlitz out this morning. I do not know what it is like, but mad kudos to them being out in the gloom just a few weeks after bringing life into this world. I am sure it does get better but it is good to acknowledge the hardship. Seeing you guys out there pushes me and others to post more.

No announcements.

Prayers for all the new dads in the #DashPax and for all the current families going through their own troubles with addiction, depression, et al. YHC thanked the Lord for some great weather and urged PAX to get out there and enjoy His creation. 

It was an honor to lead this morning.




  • Burlap
    February 23, 2023 9:49 am

    Strong workout. Stronger backblast.

  • Green Acres
    February 23, 2023 2:26 pm

    Looks like a great workout, and a fun backblast. Well written, well done! 👏

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