No Parking Deck For You!

QIC: Burns

Date: 1.17.23

PAX: Huckleberry, Workbench, Zima, Turnover, Starfish, Lamb Chop, Drip, Cheesesteak, Spicoli, Sweet Tea, Burns

YHC & Sweet Tea came back to launch after a nice 2-mile EC run to see a fairly empty parking lot – only Drip had shown up so far (0523). It took him about 20 seconds to start lobbying for a parking deck beatdown, and those calls were echoed by other pax as they parked and began their customary pre-flatline stretches.

Dynamic WoR: Run to the NE corner of the parking lot, SSH x10 IC. Run to the SW corner, IST x10 IC. Run to the SE corner, Merkins x10 IC. Run to the NW corner, Michael Phelps x10 IC.

Mosey to the parking lot across from Milton Rhodes, gather on the far end. 20 jump squats, then alternate bear crawl / lunge walk every 5 parking spaces to the other end of the parking lot. SSH for the six. Repeato with 20 merkins, 20 jump squats, 20 diamond merkins, and 20 jump squats.

Mosey to the side/back lot behind Calvary Moravian. Dora 1-2-3…Partner A does exercises while partner B runs to the top of the hill, does 2 burpees, and returns. 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats.

Mosey back up 2nd street to the launch lot for Mary. Gather about halfway across the lot. We were about 2 minutes ahead of schedule, but we stuck with the plan: One pax calls out an exercise and runs to the wall on the south end of the lot and back, rest of the pax do that exercise. We had time for about 14 turns – all manner of Mary exercises were called, including burpees (huck).



A larger group than I anticipated with the impending weather. YHC would have taken us to the parking deck had it been anything more than a light mist, I promise. Thanks for joining. I wish I could remember a lot of the great MC from the morning, but I can’t recall much other than Starfish looked like he was getting ready to man the next Artemis mission. Starfish also made a point to clarify that the Q specifically instructed the pax to call Mary exercises at the last portion, but Huck still called both merkins and burpees. Sweet Tea is an animal – EC run and no quit during the beatdown. Zima has a lot to say about other people’s squat forms. Spicoli was on time. Turnover is tired of the PF slander, so he is posting again. To my knowledge, Cheesesteak didn’t modify a single exercise. According to one data source the pax covered over 2 miles today.  For anything else I guess you had to have been there.


Contact 60 Minutes to help with GreeNest this Saturday. Lots of great beatdowns on the horizon from the present pax. Blood drive on Feb 18 – sign up here:

Prayer for Lamb Chop – his M is getting induced one week from today, and she says he is not allowed to post next Tuesday. Prayers for pax who are unable to join us in the gloom at the moment, for any number of all-too-valid reasons.

Thanks for the keys, Bevo, always a pleasure.

1 Comment

  • BAM
    January 17, 2023 12:44 pm

    That’s real progress that Lamb Chop’s M wants him around! Well done!

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