F3WS 9 YR (actual) Anniversary

QIC: Frostbite

Date: 01/04/2023

PAX: Starfish, Mutton, Singing Cowboy, Adobe, Atrophy, Turnover, Crash, Cruiser, Transcript, Ziggy Stardust, BAM, Dr. Toot, Rubber Ducky, Drip, Spicoli, Palin, Lamb Chop, Cheesesteak, Greenspan, Hansel, Cherry Pie, Frostbite (QIC, WB)

I originally signed up to Q this workout because it was my first as Site Q at #Conspiracy after taking the reigns from @Lamb Chop.  Little did I know or remember that this also happened to be the actual anniversary of F3WS.  That means F3WS started 9 years ago on this day.  The idea was born to celebrate not only me taking the Site Q but also celebrate F3WS.

The only differences were: Today is Wednesday and 9 years ago it was Saturday.  Today was 60 degrees, 9 years ago it was 18 degrees.  Today was balmy and wet, and 9 years ago it was dry as can be. I am married now, and this time last year I still had to ask the old man to hang out with anyone, really… let alone a female counterpart.

All that being said, I decided to make a show of it and invite all Wednesday workouts to the most premiere one of them all to converge in celebration of F3WS. My new shovel flag was planted (I am making it a goal to bring this back to AOs) and we got to work.

First order of business:

Me: “WHO ALL IS A REDWOOD” (was at the first workout, 9 years ago) expecting lots of hands to shoot up…

Mutton/Starfish/Frostbite: Raise hands. Only 3 #Redwoods were in attendance today much to the sadness of QIC.  @Bam is an honorable mention


SSH (9 x IC)

Copperhead Squats (9 x IC)

9 Burpees OYO

Arm Swirly things forwards for @Cherry Pie (9 x IC)

Mosey to Intimidator. Partner Up. Tunes begin

The Thang #1

Partner 1 does AMRAP while Partner 2 runs to first stop sign and back. Flip Flop and repeat.


1) Wide Merkins

2) Regular Merkins

3) Diamond Merkins

4) Squats

5) Side Lunges

6) Forward or Backward Lunges

7) Wide Merkins

8) Regular Merkins

9) Diamond Merkins

Mosey to other side of street by stairs

The Thang #2

9s: At one end, do 8 reps of exercise, run to other end and do 1 rep of exercise. Run back and do 7 reps and then 2 reps and so forth.

Exercises: Monkey Humpers and Jump Squats

Mosey to playground area

The Thang #3

Partner up again.  Partner 1 does AMRAP while Partner 2 runs lap around playground.  Flip Flop and repeat.


1) Irkins

2) Side Lunges

3) Dips

4) R Leg Step Ups

5) LBCs

6) Russian Twists

Running out of time we did not get to complete

7) L Leg Step Ups

8) Pickle Pounders

9) Burpees ( dang! )

Mosey back to start and TIME! No time for Mary.


F3WS Convergence at #ImpossibleSituation this Saturday for the (observed) F3WS anniversary. @Burns, @60 minutes and @Undertow with the Q.


Public school is back in session.  Prayers for kiddos getting back into the swing of things.

YHC took us out.


@Palin provided the protection for my speaker in case of rain. It’s important to use protection!

@Turnover showed up? Think we were all surprised.  Must be the warm weather. Or that the Resolutioners are filling up his space at Planet Fitness

@Cherry Pie was disappointed with the amount of arm swirly things.  Hopefully there was no lolly gagging!

@Rubber Ducky was calling for @Van Gogh’s head after VG gave him S$%@ at Parliament.  @VG did not show up, though.

@QIC blanked on the 5 core principles.  I got #5, #3, #2 before throwing in the towel.  The MC got to me.  I also forgot the Shovel flag at the AO.  Thanks @Crash for picking it up.

@BAM did not just show up for #Coffeeteria this time.

Many were trying to figure out the theme to the music this morning.  With “Drunk in Love” and “All about the Bass” being the first two songs, @Lamb Chop guessed it was powerful women singers. I led him to the water.  It was not until a Coldplay song came on that @Starfish guessed it was Hits of 2014. Correct! Who would have guessed that @Starfish could figure out a music theme?

@Atrophy was impressed there was music in the first place. “Wow! Like Bells and Whistles!” Yes yes, other workouts can have music…

@Starfish gets credit where credit is due. Brought me out 9 years ago when I was just a boy.  Granted he didn’t provide warm clothing for his son on the 18 degree day.  My body was cold in shorts and a t-shirt.  And that is how I got my name.


It was an honor to lead you all this morning. Thankful for F3 and each of you guys.



PS: If you want to Q at future #Conspiracy workouts, let me know!






  • BAM
    January 4, 2023 10:19 am

    Good stuff! That dang alarm clock mixup will both haunt YHC, be a source of humor, and be a perfect representation of yhc’s life all at once! (So close, and yet so far 😆)

  • Spicoli
    January 4, 2023 6:57 pm

    Great lead this AM, Frostbite! Had flashbacks of 1st Gear workout that the guys training for BRR used to do…

    Also credit where credit is due: your Father was “the major influencer” (to use hip terms) who brought F3 to Winston. The one, the only @Starfish

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