The Black Loop

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 8/25/22

PAX: Hot Pocket, Van Gogh, Workbench, DQ, Bevo, LItterbox, Red Baron, Root Canal, Greenspan, Hansel, Turnover, Dangle (FNG)

13 pax were interested to find out what this Black Loop is all about and posted to a Huckleberry WIB.  Bevo EHd a FNG for this morning well……bold move…..

0530 about to start warm o rama before being “politely informed” that we did not go over the mission statement.  done.  alright first exercise…  “what about the values?”.  fine…done.  alright first exercise…..”what about the disclaimer?”…….Lord help me….done.   Due to the delay in time, we would go till 616.

warm o rama – all IC – SSH x 17, abe v x 6 (some counting difficulties by the pax), IW x 10, michael phelps x 10.

mosey to the lowest point in western forsyth county – corner of pennington ln and lankashire rd NW – if you havent been there, its a 3 way intersection and all 3 directions from the intersection are straight uphill

here is how the Ragnar Black Loop works – you run all three trails (3.5 miles, 4.5 miles, and 6.forever miles).  the next morning, you run a 17 mile trail race that has lots of elevation change.

here is how the Black Loop WIB worked – run up hill #1 and perform 3 ski abs at station 1 (the top), 4 merkins with 4 mountain climbers between each (the middle) and 6 plank to squats (at the bottom).  that completes the 3 trails.  now run to the top of hill #2 and slap the road, back to the bottom, then to the top of hill #3 where you will do 17 burpees.  back down the hill and repeato as many laps as possible till 611.

return to start at 614 – finish with Hucks 3 merkins.  616….right on time.

Announcements – schmed 5K and fun run this saturday – go sign up!  we need more pax involved.  DQ has several plays this weekend (and several dash pax involved) – go support if you can.

Prayers – TO’s sister, DQ, Hot Pockets mom is having surgery today, and Red Baron is having eye surgery….today


everyone with a great push this morning!

former FNG Kyle is Dongle (and he approves his name) – former Marine and police officer – reference was Reno 911

Van Gogh injured his back this week…..but showed no signs of pain or slowing down

great to see Litterbox out there……..well we got to see him way far ahead of everyone

Great to see Red Baron out there as well – he dropped a few choice words at running up the hills

Someone stated that 17 burpees was just a few too many – that means it was perfect

Greenspan was way too excited about the burpees

Hot Pocket with his second post in 2 days!  great push and no complaining

TO was doing TO things…..just singing with joy and kicking the s#%@ out of my cones.  He also almost forgot his age…..luckily i will never forget after his Flatline Q this week

Hansel is a machine – headed to the gym after the Q and maybe a trail run this afternoon…….someone needs to drug screen him

DQ never complains and just gets the work done.  I did say nice work to him at one point and he may have grunted at me – probably just happy

Root, I mean seriously.  What a human.  well done brother

Bevo stayed back to ensure his FNG was alive and supported.  It was great to see him

Workbench is getting fast and was not phased by the hills or the burpees.  the manhole cover may have gotten him though

always a pleasure to lead this amazing group and thank you all for posting and making me better.


Root, the keys were in the cone that TO kicked into the storm drain……….

1 Comment

  • Van Gogh
    August 25, 2022 11:18 am

    It was so dark at the second cone TO probably didn’t see it… surely it wasn’t done on purpose!? Solid beatdown, Huck. TClaps to Dangle and Hot Pocket!

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