I can see Lewisville from Here

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 23 August 2022

PAX: Van Gogh, Zima, Ziggy Stardust, Madoff, Hansel, Gretel, Dr. Toot, Ziffel, Hornet(new to us as he comes from Raleigh F3)

A hearty PAX of 9 met early for a very stolen Q. New to us, a hale and hearty Hornet from Raleigh joined us for the festivities and fit right in. A bit of a history man, he and Ziggy made acquaintances and discussed the controversial views of Lynard Skynard at the storming of the Bastille.

After the normal warm o rama, we moseyed in an unusual way to the coupons, three burpees, run to the walking, not running Q, and repeat the three burpees til we got to the coupons. Madoff was smart enough to power walk just behind me to avoid to much burpee fun. Carried our coupons back to the parking lot where we lined up at one end of the parking lot to do…

THE THANG, which is a tribute to Zima, who in times past, brought out a beat down he called Mt. Fuji. That seemed a little to ambitious for my skill set, so I came up with THE MOLE HILL, a smaller more manageable version. 5 called exercises, written on my super cool cardboard, were to be performed in a very particular ascending and descending order. 10 alternating block merkins, run back and forth across the parking lot. Return for 10 alternating block merkins(single count), 20 kettle bell swings, 10 alternating block merkins, and again, saché across the parking lot. Now 10 alternating block merkins, 20 kettle bell swings, 30 curls, 20 kettle bell swings, 10 alternating block merkins. Rinse and repeat adding 40 overhead presses. Final round added 50 upright rows with arms crossed. Fun was had by all as we accumulated 90 single count block merkins, 140 kettlebell swings, 150 curls, 120 overhead presses, and 50 ALPOs(upright row things).

And since viral infections are the gifts that keep on giving, and in honor of Hansel, who is Patient Zero, we did the Hurpee life affirmation bear crawl/crawl bear procedure to the delight of no one. Adds up to 21 hurpees and countless crawling.

Returned the blocks and everyone moseyed back to the Launch with a few bonus burpees. Mary was a lot of my Physical Therapy as well as very unbalanced ab work that eventually got all up under Van Gogh. Hansel was given Snooki type modifications to level the playing field. Adobe showed up ready forms close up and his hair never flinched.Ziggy is finding a new level over the past month. Zima and Van Gogh supplied the gravitas to the proceedings. Madoff was unphased by the beatdown and asked for another. Special shout out to Hornet, who stepped into the fray with intrepid fortitude and we all look forward to his consistent attendance so we can grow from him as he grows from us.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shmedfest in August, @Swiss Miss’es birthday bash,

COT: Prayers for injured PAX that are recovering from surgeries. Q went out with a word about the exhibition of authority being demonstrated with kindness and gentleness. Also focused on the best part of a conversation within prayer is SILENCE. Blissful, peaceful, and many times awkward, difficult, and uncomfortable. Embrace the blissful, peaceful, awkward, difficult, and uncomfortable. God will meet you there!

1 Comment

  • Burns
    July 25, 2022 2:00 pm

    Root you are a bad bad man.

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