QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 5/12/22

PAX: Drip, Hansel, Van Gogh, Ponch, Zima, Workbench, Drama Queen, Turnover, Cruiser, Jammer (FNG)

After Qing WIB twice in the past few months, yhc was surprised to see my name as the Q again this week.  The best part, whoever put me on the calendar hit the save for all events button so it looks like yhc will be Qing forever……this is going to be great!

11 pax gathered at River Oaks Community Church for a Huckleberry WIB Q.  Workbench brought a FNG!

0520 – VG helped gather the blocks from the back of the church and put them at the end of the parking lot.

0525 – 2 strategically placed cones of perfect distanced were placed at the opposite end of the parking lot.

0530 – mission statement and warm o rama – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Abe V, michael phelps, merkins, peter parkers

let the fun begin…..

with a block, perform 10 burpee block jumps, 20 shoulder tap merkins, 30 squat thrusters.  put block down

sprint to other end of parking lot/cone 1.  crawl bear up the parking lot to cone 2, the bear crawl down the parking lot back to cone 1.

sprint back to blocks.  perform 9 burpee block jumps, 19 shoulder tap merkins, 29 squat thrusters

sprint to cone 1……..

repeat counting down by one rep for the next 40 mins.


Welcome Jammer!  He lived in CO, enjoys skiing, went to Carolina (the real one, USC), enjoys bourbon, and was a competitive swimmer……Jammer (the suit that they swim in – not the speedo but the longer one)

prayers – Drip heads to togo this weekend

announcements – ROCC 5k on saturday!  come run, support, or volunteer, DQ has a play on sunday evening in WS!  check slack for details


Jammer crushed it this morning

Turnover was so happy he provided us all with music….by singing the entire time

Zima was confused by the counting….no one should be surprised

VG was in the lead from start to finish and almost finished out the reps

Cruiser is a machine and his form is perfect.  he also made the comment that the burpees were the easiest part of the workout

Hansel (so hot right now) didnt get enough and went to do pull ups after the workout…..seriously

Drip smiled and high fived everyone the entire time

Drama Queen grabbed a big block and never complained

Workbench never stops, even the others were catching their breath, he just kept going

several comments about how excited everyone was to do 30 thrusters since they are the easiest

somehow the cones kept getting closer together….but dont worry, yhc kept moving them back (you’re welcome pax)


Root it was an honor to lead this group and i wish you were there.  i kept the keys since i have the q for the next 87 weeks……..



  • Burns
    May 13, 2022 10:01 am

    Cones….or cups…?

    • Turnover
      May 13, 2022 10:10 am

      Cups….definitely cups.

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