I don’t even know what a Median is

QIC: Turnover

Date: 3.10.22

PAX: Green Acres (WD) , Tonka , Bam , Superfly , Frostbite (WB) , Burlap , Drip , Argyle , Wobegon ('Tan) , Turnover (Q)

An impressive collection of HIM’s made it out to #TRQ this morning to see what some yuppie from Planet Fitness had in store for them. The conditions were nearly perfect. Except for an annoying slight breeze. No, not that kind of breeze. Dr. Toot was not present. I mean actual wind gusts. Anyway, I digress. Near perfect conditions for a less than perfect beatdown accompanied by an unquestionably perfect playlist. See below to find out more.

Mission Statement and CP’s recited flawlessly.

Warm O Rama

Abe Vigoda


Hammy Stretch (R over L, L over R)

Imperial Storm Walkers

Arm Swirly Things

PAX slow moseyed to the carpool lot…because this is a non-running AO, gosh darnit.

PAX were to start at the first island, lunge walk to the next island, and perform 5 burpees.

This pattern was followed down the length of the parking lot.

After all PAX had completed their burpees and lunges, we SLOW MOSEYED to the Rock Pile.

Find yourself a rock that you’ll be proud of later. Haul that sucker John Cusack style to the wall.

Before we started the routine, PAX were instructed to bear crawl/1 arm push their rock to the grass within the traffic circle and bear crawl back to the wall.

Upon arriving back at the wall, PAX were to perform 5 Mike Tysons, bear crawl to their rock, perform the called exercise, and bear crawl back to the wall for more Mike Tysons. The called exercises were as follows:

Goblet Squats x20

OH Press x20

Squat Thrusters x20

Merkins w/ Rock x10 each arm (x20 total)

Front Raise x20

Tricep Ext x20

Curls x20

Upon completion we did one more round of bear crawling and curls.

Return the rocks.

Running out of time so we SLOW MOSEY DON”T LET ME SEE YOU FULL ON RUNNING SO HELP ME back to launch for…


Burlap called for American Hammers x20 #Merica

Green Acres called for Mutton Crunches x15 each side because he’s an animal

Drip called for LBC’s x15

PAX held low plank for last 35 seconds.



Green Acres is your official newly minted TRQ site Q. Help a brotha out and get your name on the calendar.

Continued prayers for Giles and his family

YHC took us out lifting up spoken and unspoken prayer requests.


@Wobegon, @Tonka, and YHC got in 2 EC miles and we ran into @Green Acres on his run in as well.

The music was dialed in from the very beginning. Jason Aldean welcomed us to the circle with a little “1994” and it was quickly discovered that @Frostbite had no idea who Joe Diffie (RIP) was. More of an indictment on @Starfish, IMO. @Starfish and @Frostbite…clearly not Pickup Men.

Not sure what was in @Argyle’s cereal, but my man was shot out of a cannon. Was busting it early and often.

As noted above, @Bam was in attendance, so the MC was plentiful. It ranged from Joe Diffie to questioning the Q’s intentions when calling for the Rock Merkins, to referring to almost the entirety of the beatdown as the “Warm Up”, to chastising Burlap for choosing American Hammers just to have YHC call for 20 of them in cadence. Never a dull moment.

Speaking of not thinking much of the difficulty of the beatdown, YHC literally heard the ‘Tan himself, @Wobegon YAWNING mid beatdown, all while the Q was sucking wind and thinking about how much better the beatdown looked on paper. I will def have to come up with something tougher to actually give him a challenge. #Beast

And we can’t talk about #Beasts without mentioning the King Beast, @Green Acres. Today’s WD was out front the entire time during that horrendous Mike Tyson/Bear Crawl/Rock Lifting routine.

@Burlap was in peak Burlap mode all morning. From crushing the called exercises, to threatening bodily harm against the Q, to yammering on about numbers at the end of the beatdown (clearly giving away where his mind is mid-beatdown). He was all over the place. He allegedly brought up the Barkley Marathons to which he claims he received no reply. All I remember is him mentioning out loud that he wanted to crush my head with his rock. (very Genesis 3:15-ish of him) and something about median numbers or median age. YHC chalked it up to @Burlap clearly slipping swiftly into senility.

Was great meeting/posting with @SuperFly for the first time. He took his time easing into the beatdown, but boy howdy did he finish in a blaze of glory. Great work!

YHC enjoyed all company on the EC run, but it was good to get to know @Tonka a little more. Troubling that he’s a Clemp-son alum, but otherwise appears to be a decent human being. Great getting after it today bud!

After years of trying, YHC still cannot figure out how to break @Drip. Per the usual, he was unfazed by my attempts to tire him. And, as usual, to add insult to injury, he coasted through everything with a smile on his face. Back to the drawing board. You make me sick, @Drip.

Always an honor to Q. Truly thankful for the opportunity to lead and push myself alongside these High Impact Men and @Bam.

@Green Acres, I think I dropped the keys in/on one of the islands. Godspeed.



  • Burlap
    March 11, 2022 11:14 am

    Every word TRUE. Especially about the playlist and Starfish’s failure to instill knowledge of Joe D into the innocent mind of Frostbite. Green Acres smoked the field. Drip could have done another quarter mile of bear crawl. SuperFly has a couple of new knees and still smoked me on bear crawls. And I am accelerating into senility with the knowledge that I was only the fourth oldest of the ten PAX there. Great morning.

  • BAM
    March 11, 2022 11:28 am

    yes, ’twas a lovely morning. There were other pax that didn’t know Billy Bob loved Charlene, which is sad, but they can’t blame it on age.

    Well planned and executed and festive tunes are all you can ask for. Thanks for the fun!

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