Sometimes The Course Wins – Marble Arch Marathons 2021

Sometimes The Course Wins – Marble Arch Marathons 2021

QIC: Starfish

Date: 3/18/2021

PAX: BAM, Drama Queen, Root Canal (WD), H.O.G., Turnover, Huckleberry, Burns (WB), Workbench, Lysol, Mongoose, Zima, Burlap, Starfish (QIC)

After another one year hiatus, this one due to COVID, Thursday (3/18) at #DashWIB, we ran the 3rd Marble Arch Marathons.  At the inaugural event back in May 2017, 10 #DashPax attempted and 0 finished, although @Zima and @RustBucket came close but just barely missed the 45 minute time cutoff.  At the second event in March 2019, we had 18 #DashPax attempt and 6(!) finish! @LitterBox, @Vig, @Zima, @Huckleberry, @Greenspan and @Offsides finished all 5 loops in 2019.  So, in true Lazarus Lake fashion, we made this one a bit harder.  And the third core principle was in full effect (#RainOrShine #HotOrCold).

The Thang

Think of this as a much abbreviated version of the Barkley Marathons, the sadistic race in East Tennessee which is made up of 5 loops of 26ish miles and 20K feet of elevation gain per loop.  On Thursday, we attempted to run 5 loops (or 3 loops for a #FunRun) of Marble Arch Road.  Each loop is 1.42 miles and 68.6 feet of elevation gain.  At the end of each cul-de-sac we come across (#Innovation, #CrowdPleaser), we stopped and perform 10 perfect form reps OYO of the called exercise:

Stop 1:  Merkins

Stop 2:  Alternating Side Lunges (each leg, so 1, 1, 2, 2, etc)

Stop 3:  Russian Twists (each side, so 1, 1, 2, 2, etc)

Stop 4:  Burpees

Stop 5:  Lunges (each leg, so 1, 1, 2, 2, etc)

Stop 6:  Elbow Plank Jacks

First loop was clockwise.  Second loop was counterclockwise.  Third loop was clockwise.  Fourth loop was counterclockwise.  On the fifth loop, the leader will chose the direction and then the PAX will alternate directions.

3 completed loops within 45 minutes = #FunRun, 10 pax completed the #FunRun

5 completed loops within 45 minutes = #Finisher, 0 pax #Finished

Virtual conch blew at 0525.  Virtual cigarette was lit at 0530.  5061 Marble Arch Road at the NW corner of Marble Arch and Cedar Trail (aka #TheTopOfTheD).  We were supposed to park either on the stub end of Cedar Trail or in YHC’s circle driveway.


The participants were none too thrilled with this year’s innovation.  A whole lot of bellyaching ensued as we gathered at the start/finish line.

@Mongoose ignored the parking directions and parked wherever he damn well pleased.  And a whole lot of others followed suit.  @DramaQueen got lost on the way over (guess he should have #RIROed after all).

@Lysol is making a comeback.  But don’t call it that.

Site Q @Burns lobbied hard for a course modification on the Alistair leg.  YHC graciously adopted the idea after Loop 1 to shorten that leg to the first lightpole.  #Benevolence.  @Zima looked disgusted when YHC accepted the suggestion and rumor has it that he refused the modification.

Lots of guys flying out there and every single one was a #LarryBird since the Q was super slow.  @Turnover, @HOG, @Huckleberry were the top three if YHC is not mistaken.  Please correct me if I’m wrong in the comments.

The weather sucked but could have been much worse.  Strong drizzle for the whole race.  @Burlap will be over later to wash my cars.

You would think that this is a young man’s game, but we had two (2) #DoubleRespects come out and crush it this morning in @DQ and @RootCanal.  #Respects included @Burlap, @Lysol and YHC.

First time for YHC working out with @Workbench.  Nice to meet you.

No complaints (yet) from the neighbors, so we’ve got that going for us.

Already cooking up a different modification for the 2022 version.  Stay tuned.

Thanks for the privilege of leading and for letting me step out my front door to launch so I could score carbon footprint reduction points.

Your friend,



  • BAM
    March 18, 2021 10:32 am

    YHC was honored to be able to join his first Marble Arch Marathon! Will know how to properly train for next year’s running. YHC texted the Q last night asking what was the proper amount of alcohol consumption before MAM. He replied, “Copious” In hindsight, YHC should have not followed that advice.

    Good times all the way around!

    • Starfish
      March 18, 2021 10:47 am

      Aaaagh….I meant to mention our text exchange in the NMM….thanks for picking me up.

  • Starfish
    March 18, 2021 5:27 pm

    Pretty cool that we ran the #MarbleArchMarathons on the same day that the 2021 #BarkleyMarathons started. Follow @keithdunn on Twitter for updates. They had 35 start at 3:04am. 16 runners are currently on Loop 2. Everyone else is a DNF on/after Loop 1. They’ve had thunder and hail there….#SometimesTheCourseWins

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