Mr. Watanabe Does Not Miss

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 03/27/2021

PAX: Woodpecker, Starfish, DDay, Boodsport, Undertow, Airball, Bluto, Lemming, Rust Bucket, Burlap, Parkay, Pony Express, Boomerang, High Cotton, Bulldog, Sweet Tea, Tinker, BAM, Wobegon, Sgt Schultz, Splash, Drama Queen

On a beautiful Spring morning, 22 ready and willing pax gathered at Purgatory for YHC’s first bootcamp Q as a double respect.  This called for a workout that was both challenging but easy for the Q to remember what we were supposed to do.

We began on time – even Bulldog was already out of his truck.  Another pax would join us later and suffer some slight ridicule.  In a large circle we performed several Warmorama standards and then upon the late arrival of The Pony Express (hmm some irony there) the pax did 5 burpees.  Thanks Pony

We then moseyed to the other parking lot and got in a little dynamic warmup with high knees, butt kickers, Apollo Creeds, caraokes, and Zuck bounds.

We then moseyed over to the corner of the track near the backstop and YHC introed the wrestling drill portion of the workout.  YHC seems to have a reputation since both site Q Lemming and BAM seemed to request/predict there would be wrestling something during the day’s events.  Some pax were surprised to see how similar wrestling drills were to some exercises we call by other names.  We got in single leg shots (aka alternating lunges), standups (aka stand ups) and sit outs (aka Dry Dock Crabs which most who had attended a DQQ expected at some point).  Final corner was a bridge drill (maybe we don’t do anything quite like these).  Just before this corner pax got a quick life lesson story “Mr. Watanabe does not miss”

At the suggestion of the late Pony Express – that doesn’t sound right – we circled the track again and picked up litter that was around the basketball court.  Some pax decided this could be a chance to take a break but we had things to do so onward to the rock pile.

A medium rock was suggested for the next event and due to the large number of pax we moseyed over to the field to perform BLIMPS – 5 burpees with rock, 10 lunges moving forward with rock, 15 Imperial Storm Troopers with the rock, 20 Merkins rock not required, 25 plank jacks rock not required, and 30 squats with the rock.  Goal was to travel to from line near playground equipment to the baseball infield. When first pax got there we all would be done.

Rocks were returned and we made the short trip to the Lido deck.  Those with at least one Covid shot were allowed to stay at the top and others were banished to the lower levels.  One round of step ups r/l, irkins, dips, an on the fly extra of running with scissors, and derkins were completed.

We had just enough time for a little more running which was a quick uphill suicide.  We then moseyed back to launch for some Mary led by YHC and several other respect and double respect pax.  LBCs, protractor, low flutters, drying cockroaches, maybe something else and nonMary that Boomerang called of 5 burpees and 5 merkins.

Done at 8:00 on the dot.


It was great to see a large number on a beautiful morning.  Good age range from 11 to 62 with 2 double respects and 3 triple hates.

Sorry for not recognizing Woodpecker when he came up to speak to me before we started.  Had met him last Friday at BBBC.  #itwasdarkerthen

Good to meet Airball.  Think I had seen everyone else before but I’m old and I could have forgotten.

Thanks for humoring me on wrestling drills.  MC re wet ground was ignored.

Good to see Sgt Schultz back out.  YHC checked on him at the end of BLIMPS and moseyed with him to return rocks. Then he sprinted off and left me behind with D Day and BAM.  #guesshesalrightnow

Got into short Talking Heads conversation with Splash and High Cotton.

Counting and keeping up with correct letters during BLIMPS were somewhat of a challenge but thanks to Tinker and D Day we made it to our goal in what was 3-4 rounds for most pax.  Burlap enjoyed the throwback to BLIMPS.  Rocks were a late idea that seemed to work.

Always good to join the Purgatory pax.  Lots of good MC and hard work always gets done.  Sorry to have missed coffeeteria – had an early tee time.


Greenest is off until Sat after Easter. See Starfish if you can Q or volunteer that day.

Rust Bucket noted that Crisis Control is already promoting Shmedfest for last Sat in August.  No mention of Plunger or F3 beatdowns.  We have inside info that both will be part of this annual event.

Swiss Miss’ Birthday in October – you have to be around a while to get all the jokes


Friend of Tinker has torn ACL

YHC took us out

Always an honor





  • BAM
    March 28, 2021 4:53 pm

    Sorry to hear about Pony’s passing. He was well liked.
    Good times Saturday! Always learning things from DQ, will have to look up some Wantanabe videos.

    • Ron Wixson
      March 28, 2021 9:20 pm

      Well, it was a good run BAM. I think the burpees finally got me. DQ….. world class back blast

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