Drip, Thanks for the Memories

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 12 February 2021

PAX: H.O.G., Cheesesteak, Drip, Van Gogh, Root Canal (WD,Q), Greenspan, Palin (WB), Post Hole

As I arrived 30 seconds prior to launch, as usual, I noted that the hardcore, high end performers were the totality of the PAX, so “ruh roe Elroy,” this could be a bad morning to be me. The 32 degree mist was backing off, but I made the decision to beat a hasty retreat to the nearest parking deck to protect Palin’s delicate constitution. Of course, we delayed about 30 seconds to find out if the late arriver would join us, but alas, we only creeped out some young lady going to the F Colt 45 class. But, I digress….

WARMORAMA: SSHs, Stretchy stretches, and IST.

THE THANG: we ran between the train tracks and the upper end of the parking deck to do the Drip trademarked ladder that adds up to 55 pull ups, merkins, and burpees.

Next, we slowly went up the deck, performing 10 rocking chair lunges, 20 jump squats, 30 monkey humpers, and 40 Alabama prom dates at each level for three levels. After the first round, Palin correctly pointed out that the proper count should be 11, 22, 33, and 44. The correction was appreciated by the Q and the PAX.

Time was passing us, so we descended the deck with 10 WW II sit ups, 20 American Hammers, 30 penguin crunches, cheesesteak-style, and 40 gas pumps. I intended to do this three times as well, but we ran out of time and it turned out to be way harder than I thought.

Before exiting the deck, we did one dozen merkins, squats, and ranger merkins,

Alas, time expired.

COT: Blood drive coming up. Van Gogh has a long time friend who is battling cancer and got some encouraging news. I am so blown away at the quality of men who CHOOSE to be here, especially when conditions make it reasonable to fartsack.

MNM: Two consecutive days of Palin MC…. he needs to be at every AO everyday when time travel becomes less difficult. Cheesesteak demonstrated a way harder version of Alabama prom date, I’ll be stealing that one too. Van Gogh and H.O.G. breezed through. Drip and Post Hole smiled sardonically throughout. Greenspan was the form master and took no short cuts.

Post Hole, I threw the keys in the water puddle under the train tracks.

1 Comment

  • Drip
    February 12, 2021 11:14 pm

    Although YHC suffered through this burpee/pull up mania the first time, the creator of this madness is Post Hole. To be confused with this HIM was the best thing anyone said about me today!

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