The Peaks of West End

QIC: Drip

Date: 1/16/21

PAX: Palin, Boo Boo, Chit Chat, Spicoli, Drip

The morning started out with a good stretch with Boo Boo and Palin.  We moseyed to the the swing set to do some merkins and pull ups on the icy swings. Well, YHC was doing the merkins. Palin was refusing to get his backside wet and Boo Boo was telling a very in interesting story as Spicoli and Co. arrived.  After a quick retelling of how Chit Chat beat Palin in a foot race last Saturday, Chit Chat broke out into a spontaneous Fort Night dance.  YHC decided we needed to mosey before things were completed packed into the proverbial picnic basket heading to you know where.  And mosey we did…West End to Pilot View.  At each stop sign heading up a hill, the Pax did 3 Brupees, 10 Merkins, 15 WWIIs, 20 Squats.  At Summit we coasted down hill to West End.  Then we went over to conquer Brookstown to Summit then back down W 5th Street back to Brookstown.  Then over to tackle Clover.  Then back to launch. Along the way a cramp was had, Spicoli was a GREAT Dad, some snow fell, lots of stories were told and Fort Night dances were danced.  We stopped 10 times for a total of 30 Burpees, 100 Merkins, 150 WWIIs, and 200 Squats.  After a short Mary, Chit Chat mentioned that if he had not gotten up early, he would not have know all this was going on.  Such wisdom! It was also suggested that Palin have a name change to Cotton Candy as he actually starts to melt if he gets wet.  But name changes are not allowed…Right, Gobstopper?  (Oh, the secrets we keep.)  It was great fun guys!  Thanks for posting. We’ll get all 5 Peaks next time.

1 Comment

  • Van Gogh
    January 18, 2021 8:49 pm

    I LOLed reading this multiple times… killer beatdown, as always, Drip! Hope to make your next Q!!

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