Alcatraz – A New Saturday AO!!

QIC: Van Gogh

Date: 01/30/2021

PAX: All interested

Starting 01/30 “Alcatraz” will make its official debut at River Oaks Community Church (ROCC) as the new WeFoCo Saturday AO. This location was host to The Shmed and provides lots of options (see map at the bottom), including: blocks, rocks and tires; two 1/2 mile running routes, one paved and one wooded trails; two good hills, lots of walls, covered areas, benches, and flat grassy fields; a huge parking lot with lots of islands and good lighting; and future pull-up and dip bars (to be installed soon)!

But wait… there’s more!!

This workout will offer TWO regularly scheduled Saturday workouts!!



The first option will be from 0600-0645, subtitled “Super Max”. This will designed to be a simple format workout with <4 exercises, designed to MAXimize reps or distance. It could include things like running and pain stations, stationary block work, or even a Murph.

The second option will be 0700-0800. This bootcamp will aim to incorporate more Strength & Core options, like block work and core sets, while still embracing standard Bootcamp distances (1-2 miles).

This makes Alcatraz the first regularly scheduled Double Down opportunity in the Dash. Hopefully this does three things:

  1. Allows PAX to post that can’t make 0700 on Saturday.
  2. Encourages PAX from outside WeFoCo to travel West.
  3. Inspires PAX to push beyond their comfort zone with an occasional double down.



All PAX will be asked to Q, and Qs will be assigned to both 0600 and 0700 workouts. Qs will preferably post for both (not required), but not necessarily have to plan both – the Site Q will provide two alternating default options for Super Max. That being said, Qs are encouraged to come up with their own Thang.



YHC is excited to incorporate his home church into our F3WS workout catalog and has full support from church staff. Please feel free to reach out with questions, and step up to Q (before I eventually come asking you). Sneak peak will be this Saturday at 0600 and 0700 for our Virtual 7-year convergence. Again, we kick off weekly on January 30th! SYITG,


Alcatraz AO Map

Alcatraz AO Map


  • Burns
    January 6, 2021 6:04 pm

    Love the work you have put into setting this up for us! Can’t wait to get over there for a double down. HIM!

  • Spamalot
    January 7, 2021 10:11 pm

    Very nice! Time for WeFoCo to grow!

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