This Wedding is Horsesh*t

QIC: Turnover

Date: 12.9.20

PAX: Drama Queen , Tweety Bird , High Cotton , Root Canal (WD) , Little Piggy (WB) , Splash , Turnover (Q)

I didn’t want salmon! I said it 4 times!

The creative juices have eluded YHC this week.  On Monday, it was a modification of a past @Cobra Q, and today was a modification of a past @Harden Q. That being said, I chose these beatdowns because they were especially heinous (*queue Law and Order SVU music*). This particular one turned out to be flipping brutal. Not sure what ol’ @Harden was thinking when he put this one together. But I’m the dummy that brought it back out, so who is really to blame here? Spoiler alert: it’s me.

The PAX stated early and often that the called exercises were stupid and excessive. Which was fair. Away we go.

Warm O Rama

SSH x20 IC

IST x20 IC

Abe V x6 IC

AST Circuit x10 IC

Mosey around lower loop and up to the bus lot


40 Minutes (really ended up being like 28 minutes) of Hell!!!

Partner up

P1 stays at start and performs exercise on cardboard

P2 backwards mosey down bus lot and perform 5 Bobby Hurleys

Repeato until rep count reached


Burpees x150* (*Omaha’d to 100….this was a big hit among the PAX)

Squats x300

WW2’s x150

Overhead Press in People’s Chair x300

Merkins x150

LBC x300  Nobody got this far

Mosey back to Launch

Since nobody got to the LBCs during the beatdown, we all performed LBC’s OYO for the final 4 minutes. This was a crowd pleaser.



F3 Dash Pax Blood Drive on February 20th, 2021 9:30am – 2pm @ the Red Cross Donation Center at corner of University and Coliseum. Be there. Join the team. Donate.

@Dr. Toot has the Q at Mayhem next week

Prayer Requests

@Spam’s Dad

@Starfish’s parents


YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and asking for opportunities to lift each other up


As the beatdown called for partner work, YHC was worried when we only had 5 at the beginning of WoR, but thankfully @Dr. Toot showed up during the warmup to make it 6……then @High Cotton showed up after that and just threw a wrench in everything. Only kidding. Always great having those #HIMs in our midst.

Most of the MC today came from @Splash complaining about the exercises, but oddly enough he was at or near the front all morning, per the usual. As punishment, YHC (nearly) left him out of Name o Rama. Whoops.

Great seeing @Tweetie Bird and @Little Piggy again this morning. These guys are getting to be #Mayhem regulars and it might be time to get them (and @High Cotton) on the Q calendar too!

Big shout out to @The Pharoah for carrying YHC all morning. I’m sure that was exhausting, but if it was, he didn’t let it show. #Animal

Always good seeing @DQ in the gloom. While he joined @Splash in his displeasure with the exercises/reps, he was still cranking them out like a boss.

Thanks for the keys @Turno….oh wait, nvm.



  • Jeff Leal
    December 9, 2020 11:41 am

    Can’t explain why I was fresh and sassy this am, but “enjoyed” the partner work. Great to keep up with the young guns. SYITG

  • DQ Drama Queen
    December 9, 2020 12:31 pm

    Thx has suffered thru this beatdown several times. Never gets any better. Good Omaha on the burpees and thanks to splash for letting me piggyback on his numbers

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