SubstiQ for 2

QIC: Sour Mash

Date: 6/27/20

PAX: Sour Mash and Whaler

DQ was scheduled to Q but he had signed himself up for a golf tournament that started at  0900.  Bootcamp ends at 0800 so that still leaves an hour by YHC’s watch, but whatever.  The call for a substiQ was Tweeted out and YHC obliged since YHC had a workout planned for #CFT many months ago that never transpired.  We won’t get in to what happened that particular morning and the reason the workout never happened.

YHC pulls into the #SexLot around 0640, checks various social media and e-mail while awaiting the other PAX.  Whaler pulls in around 0650, maybe.  We exchange pleasantries until 0701 then YHC realizes no one else is showing up.  DUCKING SWEET!   The wienke is saved yet again for another future #CFT beatdown because Whaler is recovering from a nasty broken foot surgery and we decided it was best to just to some recovery walking since he was just released to do that.

If you haven’t met Whaler, you need to.  Dude is crazy, in a good way!  Eats weird shit and does CSAUP type stupid things to his body, hence the broken foot.  YHC has been blessed to “run” the Bourbon Chase and Tuna 200 with Whaler as a teammate.

That’s it, we walked and talked for about 3 miles and then parted ways.  Good 1st and 2nd F was had by all.



  • Spamalot
    June 30, 2020 9:27 am

    The detail. The visual imagery. Amazing.

  • DQ Drama Queen
    June 30, 2020 8:40 pm

    Well I suppose I could have done that. Seriously thanks again for stepping up. I still owe you one

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