High Intensity at UA

QIC: Drip

Date: 1/19/2020

PAX: $5, HOG, Lawnboy, Chisel, Burns (WB), Red Baron, Lamb Chop, Drip (WD)

Warm Up: SSH and Burpees, Abe Vigoda, WHtC

Mosey to Stage: Michael Phelps.   Plank for 1 min, Chilcutt Plank for 1 min, Plank for 1 min, Tempo plank in cadence x 20.

Mosey to Coal Pit and partner up: 5 Burpees, 5 Wheel Barrow steps, 5 WMD Merkins, 5 wheelbarrow steps, 10 SSH  Flap Jack each Wheelbarrow and cross coal pit.

Mosey to Tracks: Every Minute on the Minute:  5 pull ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Jump Squats for 10 minutes.

Mosey to 4th Street for 11s.  WWII at the top and LBC at the bottom

Mosey back to Launch for three minutes of Mary.

Announcements:   Greenspan has Q at IS (gumbles and eye rolls from the Pax)

Prayer Requests: Burns’s Grandmother

NMM: HOG posted very early for the first leg of the EC run, then was joined by Burns and together they did the second leg.  (T-claps Gentlemen)  Not a lot of MC from this morning’s very friendly PAX and we all put in a lot of work.  $5 tried really hard to turn the Tempo Plank into Pickel Pounders (modify as necessary, you do you, etc) . Lots of work in the Coal Pit and the Tracks, to the point YHC had to break protocol and ask Chistel for a 20 count.  BTW, Lamb Chop and Red Baron are really good at pull ups and Merkins.  Once we started the hill work, the Recruitment started in earnest.  Twice the Pax was subjected to Drive-Bys.  One driver compliment us on our hard work then followed up with an personal invitation to F45, the second driver just whistlesd. (YHC may have embellished a wee bit on the second one, but you get the picture.) The Dash Pax kept their minds on the task at hand…until a personal recruiter cornered Burns.  Reportedly, he was signing up for the monthly bank draft when he realized he was 2 laps behind the Pax and regained focus.  Back at Mary, HOG seemed mesmerized by the F45 Leader Board shining through a window (you know how easily Millennials are distracted by sparkly things) until he was called on for a ab exercise.  In the end, the Pax concluded that the F45 probably didn’t end with at COT, used real names (where is the fun in that?) and was always inside.  We were all thankful for F3.

1 Comment

  • Greenspan
    January 18, 2020 10:16 pm

    Uggg…planks. Give me liberty or death, but spare me the Drip plank torture.

    Solid boys.

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