Did you smoke a possum last night?

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 1/25/20

PAX: The Singing Cowboy, Schneider, Sour Mash, The H.O.G., Huckleberry, Touch Me Not (TMN), Quiver, $5 Footlong, Black Light, Drama Queen, Drano

With both the coldest temps of the winter and the rain having relinquished their grip on the minds of the pax, twelve pax, several of whom got in early mileage with EC runs, gathered at the #sexlot and then got in some ladder work and basketball drills at Charlie Foxtrot.

Abe Vigodas, Downward/Upward Dog combo, Dive Bombers, Nolan Ryans, Standing hammy stretch (ground was still moist), SSHs, Whirlies, ASTs and Michael Phelps

The Thang:
With three basketballs in tow, two lines of Indian runs from the sexlot to the school. Mosey to the playset for ladder #1. All pax complete the following:

15 Pull-ups
14 Squats
13 Hillbillies
12 Pull-ups

3 Pull-ups
2 Squats
1 Hillbilly

Mosey to yellow gate and back to playset; abe vigodas for the six. Mosey to the breeze way; find a dry spot for ladder #2. All pax complete the following:

15 Merkins
14 Low Dollies
13 V-Ups
12 Merkins

3 Merkins
2 Low Dollies
1 V-Ups

Mosey back to playset where the three basketballs were deposited. Complete the following basketball-related drills with consequences:

Backwards running suicide
Weave drills (burpees if the ball hits the group or the layup is missed)
Backboard tip drill (burpees if the ball hits the group or the layup is missed)
High-Low post (burpees if the ball hits the group or the layup is missed)
Box out free-throws

0750: Time to mosey home. Arrive in time for 6 minutes of Mary:

A Charlie Foxtrot Protractor
Cobra Crunch
Mutton Crunch


Low Dolly?
Cobra Crunch
Mountain Climbers

• Sour Mash has the ruck on Sunday. The route and preblast are on Twitter.
• New Outhouse format kicks off February 3rd, with a Monday Murph with $5 Footlong on Q. Location remains Leinbach Park, time remains 0530. First week of each month will be a Murph (using swings for pull-ups); third week will be an Iron Pax-like workout that repeats for three consecutive months. Weeks 2 and 4 are Q’s choice with a heavy encouragement to include kettlebells.
Prayer Requests:
• Schneider and Sour Mash’s great-uncle is in his last days. Pray for him and the family to be comforted by the Lord.
• Toe Tag’s family grieving his father in law.
• Pax on the IL: Blue Steel, Rust Bucket, Root Canal (almost back to the 11s), Harden, Toe Tag. YHC feels like he has omitted a couple.
• Geopolitical tensions.

Some of these things occurred or were said:
-Huck, the H.O.G., Schneider, Sour Mash, the Singing Cowboy, Drano, and YHC all got in some extra mileage ahead of time. Sound off in the comments if I missed someone. Impressive, men.
-The Indian runs broke down at the yellow gate. In other words, the pax scattered like hens when a fox arrives. Some even had to be retrieved from the launch point before we could continue.
-Lots of moaning during warmarama occurred. Some were sounds of…pleasure, some were sounds of torment. We spent a lot of time in plank.
-Similar sounds emitted from the pax during the Protractor. YHC thinks he even heard TMN call out once.
-There was not much said during ladder #1. The hillbillies apparently took their toll on the pax’s tongues. Conversely, much was made of the proper form for a V-Up during ladder #2. When YHC finished, he realized that he was the six and that the other pax had apparently been waiting quite a while.
-“This is the least talented group of pax I’ve ever worked with.” -Drama Queen, channeling Roy Williams, while observing our inability to carry out simple basketball drills.
-“Sour Mash, did you smoke a possum last night?” -Huckleberry, as he crossed the Mary circle to get away from Mash.
“I’m sorry I missed half your workout. I was doing a half-marathon EC run.” -Drano, showing up at ladder #2.
-$5 Footlong ran away from YHC and Huck like we were standing still on the mosey after ladder #1. Impressive.
-Good to see Black Light for the second consecutive Saturday. The man is accelerating.
-YHC went by and picked up another load of the Singing Cowboy’s wood later in the morning. There is still plenty to be had.
-Good to see Quiver again. YHC realized during namarama that we’ve posted together at workweek workouts several times now, but it had not been light enough for me to get a good facial recognition until today.
-Harden, a pleasure to Q a most aptly named workout. H.O.G. picked YHC’s pocket on the court and left the keys hanging on the rim he dunked on. He said he would do another EC run to retrieve them for you.

1 Comment

  • DQ Drama Queen
    January 26, 2020 7:31 am

    Well written backblast with just the right amount of humor. Kinda like the beatdown

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