A Lucky Draw

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 1/18/20

PAX: Cherry Pie, Drip, Swifty, Black Light, $5 Footlong, Buyout, Mutton, Lamb Chop, The Singing Cowboy

Keeping with the gradually accelerating warmarama from #TRQ; Abe Vigodas, Downward/Upward Dog combo, SSHs, Dive Bombers, Whirlies, and Michael Phelps
The Thang:
Mosey to track cabana
Erkins x 20
R-L Step-ups x 10
Derkins x 20
L-L Step-ups x 10
Dips x 20

Mosey to pull-up bars and partner up for ‘The Eighties’. Partnerships work toward a cumulative total of 80 reps each of pull-ups, donkey kicks, and heels to heaven.

Partner A exercises
Partner B runs to tunnel and back
Flip flop until 80 reps for each exercise is achieved

Mosey 10 feet to steps; find a step and have a seat
Stand ups x 30
Calf raises x 30
Stand ups x 15
Calf raises x 30

Mosey down NW, right on Reynolda, left on West End, right on Summit, right on Carolina. Once all arrived, YHC retrieved the F3 card deck from his pocket and instructed as follows:

Hearts = Run. If card is 2-9, run down to West End and back up to Carolina. If face card, up to Jersey and back down to Carolina. If ace, run all the way to Summit and back down.

Diamonds = Mike Tysons x number on the card; aces = 15

Spades = 2 x the number on the card of the exercise, e.g. 2 = 4, Queen = 24 (12 x 2), etc.

Clubs = 2 x the number on the card of the exercise

Jokers = Q’s choice

As YHC recollects, Lamb Chop pulled the queen of hearts on the first draw, so we all ran up to Carolina. Subsequent draws by the pax resulted in ~35 Mike Tysons, ~22 backward lunges, ~24 American Hammers, 3 runs down to West End and back up to Carolina.

At 0754, we moseyed home and arrived at 0759, just in time for one minute of burpees.


• MLK Day (1/20) Murph at the park behind Zima’s house at 0900. See the Twitter.
• $5 Footlong has Q on Monday, 1/20, at the Outhouse. Normal launch time of 0530.
• The Singing Cowboy has free wood. YHC has already benefited and can attest that it is solid. Touch base with him on the Twitter.
• YHC has Conspiracy on Wednesday, 1/22. More on that below.
• New Outhouse format kicks off February 3rd, also with $5 Footlong on Q. Location remains Leinbach Park, time remains 0530. First week of each month will be a Murph (using swings for pull-ups); third week will be an Iron Pax-like workout that repeats for three consecutive months. Weeks 2 and 4 are Q’s choice with a heavy encouragement to include kettlebells.

Prayer Requests:
• Swifty’s friend at Collins Aerospace is beginning cancer treatment this week.
• Marriages of the pax. Several publicly struggling, some privately struggling.

YHC took us out with a prayer to the Lord.


As always, some of what is written below actually occurred and is possibly attributed to the correct pax:

YHC had the chance to fellowship with The Singing Cowboy on an EC run prior to the workout. Great time, as always with TSC.

The pax were in the middle of the upward dog stretch when YHC first noticed Cherry Pie’s presence, i.e. his face, three feet away. “Good morning, Greenspan!”

Cherry Pie was disgusted with Lamb Chop’s first draw from the deck which resulted in a run up to Jersey on Pilot View. “Like a lamb being led to the slaughter” was uttered.

The pax actually did quite well with the deck in YHC’s mind. Some must have eaten their Lucky Charms ahead of time. Only one heart face card was drawn, and no jokers. Thus, the “best” possible outcomes were avoided. YHC has Q on Wednesday at Conspiracy, also at HP. Time to even up the odds a bit.

YHC foolishly raced Buyout back up Pilot View from West End. The pax were amazed that he [Buyout] had on a shirt to begin the workout. By the time the 80s had completed, he was in normal attire, i.e. shirtless. Buyout also convinced YHC to run backwards down Pilot View. That just feels foolish.

Most excellent to meet Swifty and Black Light, more converts brought into the fold by $5 Footlong. Thanks for coming out fellas and hope to see you around more. YHC tried to EH Black Light to the Outhouse on Monday as he lives near Meadowlark.

Mutton is just solid. No complaining. No way that guy went to Duke. I want to see the diploma.

Drip was fairly quiet today; not sure if he was preparing to pull the site-Q card if a Joker was drawn, but he seemed to be making contingency plans for any absurd things YHC might call.

A resident at the corner of Pilot View and Carolina invited the pax over to help move furniture upon observing our antics on her corner. YHC was too gassed at the moment to hear what smooth comeback Drip/Lamb Chop/$5 had for her, but it’s nice to be noticed.

Everyone was very happy to do a minute of burpees upon arrival back at the park.

Confession: Q fail on not switching up the playlist during that portion of the beatdown. YHC had some Springsteen, Rick Springfield, and Madonna queued up for the pax. Sorry.

Warmups beginning with Abe Vigodas have won accolades from the pax for the second straight Q. This is now a thing.

Fellas, honored to be with you, not just during the workouts but also in prayer with you for the things on your hearts. Drip, I left the keys on Pilot View but will retrieve them on Wednesday. I’ll get them back to you before next Saturday.

1 Comment

  • Burns
    January 18, 2020 9:56 pm

    Greenspan, I’m glad that you have experienced the benefits of The Singing Cowboy’s solid wood.

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