Anti-Leg Day

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 10/17/19

PAX: Honey Badger, Tommy Boy, Greenspan, Palin, Wobegon, TMN, Offsides, Burns, HOG

Greenspan and YHC went for a run on Tuesday morning,  We had a great conversation while YHC was sucking wind trying to breath and Greenspan failed to break a sweat with his light jog.  Wondering how I could pay him back for dragging me around, I asked if he was going to my WIB.  He replied no!  He stated that he was concerned that I would wear out his legs and he had plans to run the RAH on Saturday.  So then it happened…”would you come if I promise to spare your legs?”  and his reply….”yes”.  So the workout was created to focus on a short lap of running with a lot of upper body work.  This advertisement went out and 10 PAX gathered in the gloom to see what would happen.  There was MC as I got out of the car (Palin was there……enough said).  How many burpees would we do was asked.  I replied none.  No one believed me.  so when the clock hit 0530, it went like this……….

Warm o rama – SSH, IW, Abe V, arm swirly (see MC at bottom), michael phelps (see MC at bottom).

once we were warm, we ran a lap around the parking lot at Moore elementary and ended back where we started.  I opened my car and everyone grabbed a brick – excitement spread throughout!  we then moseyed to the playground and partnered up.  the workout was simple – one partner ran a lap around the parking lot while the other performed as many reps as possible of the exercise on the cardboard.  switch when partner returned.  work your way through the cardboard till 613.


  1. Merkins on Bricks
  2. Plank punches with bricks
  3. Pull-ups (once you max, perform 10 bend over fly then go back to pull-ups………)
  4. Bear crawl around the playground area till partner returns
  5. Diamond merkins on Bricks
  6. Reverse plank toe touches
  7. lateral raise with bricks
  8. Crab walk around playground
  9. Crucible merkins with bricks
  10. Makhtar N Diaye
  11. Bent over fly
  12. Alligator crawl around playground
  13. Heaven help me merkins with bricks
  14. Ski abs
  15. Pull-ups

613 – gather up bricks and return to parking lot.  30 seconds remain – heaven help me merkins x 10 IC


announcements – RAH on Saturday, clown car to Greensboro with $5 on Saturday

Prayers – our country, the world, those battling addiction

YHC took us out asking for forgiveness for not being better servants, husbands, fathers, and friends.  asked  to help us find those in need and not hesitate to reach out to others.


After the abe V, we moved onto arm swirly things…..well, everyone but palin.  Maybe he only speaks Italian now.  Not sure, but it was pointed out that everyone was standing yet one looked like a baby giraffe trying to drink water.

There was a discussion about renaming the Michael Phelps to Love yourself (it got worse and the convo lasted longer than it should).

I partnered with Tommy boy who was killing it this morning.

Greenspan showed up, made no complaints, and again failed to break a sweat……..maybe next time.

Honey badger showed up ready to rob something (the all black attire).

after the demonstration of a alligator crawl, Burns simply replied “of course”

Offsides was upset about being the WD.  But just like all the WD’s in our PAX, he led the Hates throughout the morning.

Tommy Boy tried to open his car door after the workout with his key.  His car alarm went off.  Then it would not stop.  people started to arrive at the school.  His car alarm would not stop.  We did what all good friends do in this situation, we left.

Palin is back.  He has been missed.

YHC’s shoulders are shot.

Thanks for the keys Burns……..I left them in Tommy Boys car.

1 Comment

  • Greenspan
    October 17, 2019 9:02 pm

    Let it be known that Huck is both a man of his word and a master smoker. YHC needs some skele-grow to replace my deflated shoulders.

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