Poor Planning @ The Outhouse

QIC: Burns

Date: 9.9.19

PAX: Bevo, Manscape (WD), Dr. Toot, TPS, Greenspan, H.O.G., Turnover, Burns (WB, QIC)

4 for a 1.2 mile EC run this morning – YHC, Turnover, Greenspan, and H.O.G. picked us up halfway

YHC saw the IronPax week 2 workout (and trembled in fear) and wanted to put something together that wouldn’t be nearly that destructive to our physical and mental wellbeing, yet might help us prepare accordingly. It went like this:


Imperial Walkers x10 IC

Raggedy Anns x10 IC

Copperhead Squat x10 IC

Merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Merkins x5 IC

Mosey to the corner of Sally Kirk & Norman Rds start the thang

5 exercises in decreasing number of reps

50 SSH, 40 squats, 30 gas pumps, 20 merkins, 10 burpees

Mosey to the corner of Norman Rd & Tallison Dr

50 Imperial walkers, 40 lunges, 30 plank jacks, 20 wide merkins, 10 burpees

Mosey to the corner of Tallison Dr & Thornhill Ln

50 Jack reachers, 40 monkey humpers, 30 heels to heaven, 20 diamond merkins, 10 burpees

Mosey to the corner of Thornhill Ln & Sally Kirk Rd

50 seal claps, 40 apollo ohnos, 30 mtn climbers, 20 curb merkins, 10 burpees

Mosey to the launch, find some bench under the shelter

50 hillibillys, 40 step ups, 30 freddy mercurys, 20 dips, 10 burpees

9 minutes left (!!) for Mary … mosey to the tennis courts for 4 corners

Round 1 – Penguin crunch, crunchy frogs, low flutters, WWIIs all x20

Round 2 – Penguin crunch, mutton crunch, box cutters, WWIIs all x20

About half of the pax got a 3rd set of penguin crunches before time was called.


Greenspan set a blistering pace for our EC run this morning, and then left us in the dust after H.O.G. picked us up. Dude can book it. Turnover, H.O.G., and myself are not worthy

No real MC from the PAX during the beatdown. Lots of picking up the 6 and some encouragement through the whole time

A lot of preemptive grumbling when YHC announced we would end the workout at the tennis courts, and I determined it was because there was fear of baselines or suicides. 7 pax were relieved that wasn’t in the cards for this morning.

Mary was a bit of an Omaha, because YHC committed a cardinal sin of instructional planning.  As a teacher, you should always plan at least 50% more than the time allotted so that you are never left scrambling at the end of class to fill time. I try to take this approach to f3 workouts as well, always planning one or two extra stops so I can cut instead of add on at the end. However, I thought that our 1.2 mile EC run loop would give us between 12-15 mins of running at a light mosey pace and that each set of exercises would take appx 5 minutes, meaning the whole route should have been a near 40 minute ordeal. These gentlemen proved me wrong by pushing the pace a little bit on the moseys and absolutely destroying the exercises before them, leaving us with way more time for Mary than originally planned for. As TPS noted, I should have known better. Strong work from some strong HIMs! 750 exercises including 50 burpees from all, and 1.2 miles covered.

***There will be a nomad group doing the IPC week 2 challenge launching from Hanes Park at 0515 on Friday. See twitter for more details and for other opportunities to complete the beatdown***


Prayers for a job interview for H.O.G. and for Cheesesteak’s wife as she plans to return to Canada soon. YHC took us out with thanksgiving and a desire to be led in the Sky Q’s path for our lives.

Thanks for the keys, Greenspan

1 Comment

  • Greenspan
    September 9, 2019 9:12 pm

    Rock star Q, Burns. Thanks for the (gulp) IPC warmup.

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