Have a Drink on Me

QIC: Van Pelt

Date: 06/10/2019

PAX: Burlap, Glazer, The Vig, Sac, Mutton, Lawn Boy, Juice Box, Van Pelt (Q)

YHC had quite a 3-day schedule from Thursday to Saturday.  Shinyribs at Ramkat, huge party with Liquid Pleasure in Asheville, engagement party at Lake Norman.  One has to pay the price for gluttony.  Unfortunately, so do 7 other somewhat innocent PAX.

The route was fairly easy to remember and had a nice downhill finish.  Sac busted out like he stole something.  It is nice to have a scout out front, unless he does not know the route.  Fortunately, The Vig was close on his heels and navigated the very few turns.  Mutton rolled into the lot as the PAX were headed out.  He caught up (or took a short cut…or stayed in his car) and was there for tabata.

Things got interesting at tabata.  YHC called for 30 seconds on/10 off.  Burlap immediately questions the deviation from 20 on/10 off.  Sorry…gluttony.  Plus, we are going to work out until 6:15 regardless of tabata timing.  CDD and Monkey Humpers were the first round and seemed fairly tame.  Mountain Climbers and Snowboards (or whatever they are called) was round #2.  Mumblechatter picked up on the snowboard.  First, it got the heart rate up.  Second, no one knew what they were and felt obliged to complain.  Third and shortened round was low plank jacks (deceivingly difficult) and crunchy frogs.   The third round featured AC/DC singing “Have a Drink on Me,” which seemed all too appropriate.

It was hot, it was humid, it was fun, it was un-fun.  We persevered nonetheless and are better off for it.  …Have a tabata on me.

1 Comment

  • Burlap
    June 10, 2019 9:20 am

    Strong Q. Great route. Sucky exercises. Great company. Thx to Sac and The Vig for circling back and pulling me forward.

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