Chiseling Shoulders by Lifting Boulders at TRQ

QIC: Drip

Date: 4/25/19

PAX: Argyle, Turnover (WB), Rust Bucket (WD), TPS, Boomerang, Whirley, Drip

Well, the title might be just a little embellished, but writing a F3 back blast is a little like telling a fishing story. A little wiggle room with the truth is to be expected. So in full disclosure, I will come clean and mention that we did work other muscle groups other that just our shoulders.

Warmarama: SSH, WWTC, and some extra stretching.

Mosey to small Playground. Partner up: (P1) Slow release Hanging toe touches x5 (P2)Plank Jacks on side of playground border. Flap jack twice

Mosey to Lido Deck: Partner up: In cadence with partner, P1 10 dips while P2 10 Ranger Erkins. Switch up and do 10 times. 10 Alternating shoulder touches, 10 tempo merkins, both in cadence and 10 merkins OYO

Mosey to Rock Quarry:
2 Small and 1 Big Rock.
Big Rock: In Cadence: 20 Skull Crushers, 20 Curls, 20 Dead lifts, 20 Chest Press/over head extensions
4x P1 Hold big rock 90 degrees while P2 Runs to wall and 5 Burpees Flap Jack
Little Rocks: In Cadence: 20 Peck Deck, 20x Side arm lifts
4x P1 Hold big rock 90 degrees while P2 Runs to wall and 5 Burpees Flap Jack
Turkish Get Ups: 5 Right, 5 Left

Mosey Back to Parking Lot: Stopping along the way for 1 Heels to Heaven/1 WWII sit up, 2 Heels to Heaven/2 WWII sit ups…..10 Heels to Heaven/10 WWII Sit ups.
Once back at the parking lot. Mary by TPS and Argyle.

NMM: It was a pleasure to workout with this fine group of men this morning. Everyone gave 150%. While that is mathematically impossible, it sure felt like 150%. Rust Bucket just had to carry his rock with him to and from the Burpee Wall. Whirley was ploughing through the HTH/WWII combos so hard, he forgot to pay attention to his environment that he about ended up a speed bump for a teacher just trying to get to work.  I appreciated the partner work with Argyle and TPS on the Lido deck.  Fast pace and no complaints from either throughout the whole 100. Our boy Turnover always seems to talk a big game about how hard the workout is, but he is always up front and I never really see him out of breath…I guess he is just on another level of fitness than I am.  Boomer kept talking about dance moves and clubs throughout the morning. We weren’t really sure why, but if he has an upcoming secret stint on the Chippendales circuit, and keeps working out like he did today, he’ll definitely be stage ready.

Announcements:  Whirly is turning 50 May 13, finally reaching manhood!

Please support Argyle’s Color Run, this Saturday, May 27.  9:00 at Carter High School. Sign up that day or online:

Please help make Mother’s Day better for some Moms in homeless or domestic violence shelters.   See Twitter for items needed and bring to  Turnover @ Purgatory 4/27;  Turnover @ TRQ 5/1; YHC @ UA 5/3  or give them to Burlap, Thistle, The Vig, or Red Eye when you see them.

Prayer requests for Turnover’s Mom having a procedure and all those and their families dealing with addiction.

Wobegon, I left the keys in Boomer’s bag with his bow tie, collar and shirt cuffs.





1 Comment

  • wobegon
    April 25, 2019 1:22 pm

    Looks terrible. Great job! Hope y’all had fun while your humble site Q was learning all about WIB.

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