O Thistle, Where Art Thou

QIC: Dr. Toot Canal

Date: 3/5/2019

PAX: Mutton, Butter, Lysol, Zima, Cheesesteak, Cherry Pie, Dr. Toot Canal, Balco.

PAX: Mutton, Butter, Cheesesteak, Zima, Cherry Pie, Dr. Toot Canal (Q, WD), Balco, Lysol.

What I lack in imagination, I make up with unrelenting joy with harassing those that are not there, therefore, Thistle, was the man of the hour. So…..

We did 10 burpees waiting for Thistle. Not seeing the honorable HIM, …….

We did 10 more burpees.

We moseyed to Corpening Plaza for six rounds of “no rest” Tabata. Yes, I brought tunes…

Jump squats, star jumps, alternating lunges, jump squats, star jumps, alternating lunges, each 45 seconds AMRAP and no rest between. Then run around the Plaza and commence to ……

Low plank, LBCs, American Hammers, low planks, American Hammers, each 45 seconds AMRAP and no rest in between. Then run around the Plaza and commence to….

Monkey humpers, running with scissors (Chubby Checker twisting was an acceptable substitute), Lt. Dan’s, monkey humpers, running with scissors, Lt. Dan’s, each 45 seconds AMRAP and no rest in between. Then we ran around the Plaza and moseyed to the low wall next to the Plaza so we could….

10 double count dips, 5 double count urkins, 5 double count uter urkers, 5 double count ike ysons, 10 double count dips, 5 double count merkins, 5 double count Peter Parkers, 5 double count Mike Tysons, 10 double count dips, 5 double count derkins, 5 double count Deter Darkers, 5 double count Dike Dysons. No recovery between exercises.

Mosey the long way up to the reflecting pool below the BB&T Building for the Gross, which is OYO 12 count of 12 exercises, thus 144 moves.. . Squats, lunges(12 each leg), burpees, monkey humpers, diamond merkins, pickle pounder, Jane Fonda’s(12 each side), mountain climbers(double count), wide merkins, sweat angels, Mahktar Ndiaye’s, hand release merkins.

Long mosey to the parking deck close to the launch for two layers of bear crawls with 5 pull ups and 10 merkins at the beginning, middle and end.

short mosey to the launch for a few Mary’s…. low flutter, Mutton crunch, and the Thistle with 11 merkins and 1 merkin.

Announcements and Prayers for the tornado victims in Alabama and Georgia.

Observations….Cheesesteak is definitely been an A-lister for some time, but he seems to be upping his game over the past month or so. Zima received appropriate fumigation sandwiched between Balco and YHC. The group was super tight today, Mutton, Butter, Lysol, and Cherry Pie were always right on top of every mosey and exercise. Thistle was mentioned a time or two, we look forward to his presence.

PITA, thanks for the keys and I return them now.



  • Sean Kinder
    March 5, 2019 1:18 pm

    YHC blames Thistle for all aches & pains that YHC is currently experiencing…#Flatline was a non-stop joyfest of pain. Well done Dr. Root!

  • Thistle
    March 5, 2019 2:36 pm

    Oh! I thought HC meant “hardly conscious”, which is what I was during #Flatline.
    I actually regret sleeping in. The joy of the extra sleep is fleeting, but the satisfaction of sweating with guys in downtown Winston is forever!

  • Thistle
    March 5, 2019 3:07 pm

    Just read the whole BB – also sorry I missed Dr. RC/TC demonstrating “uter urkers”

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