Kim Jong Un Makes a Special Guest Appearance

QIC: Whirly

Date: 031819

PAX: Sassy, PITA, Bulldog, BAM, Jalopi (former FNG Mike Blankenship), Sgt. Schulz, Bluelight Special, Harden, Schneider, Boomerang, Palin, Starfish, Whirly

13 Pax gathered to witness the historic event of Kim Jong Un making a special guest appearance at VI this morning. We ran and did stuff, to wit:

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 20 IC

WWC x 20 IC

Sun gods forward x 20 IC

Sun gods backward x 20 IC

Da Bidness
Mosey to the shelter adjacent to the "track"

Box jumps x 20 OYO

Dirkins x 15 IC

Heels to heaven x 15 IC

Run 1:00 counterclockwise on the track, YHC blew the whistle at 1:00, turn around and run back to the shelter

Left leg stepups x 20 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

Mutton crunch left side x 15 IC

Run 1:00 out and back

Right leg stepups x 20 IC

Dips x 15 IC

Mutton crunch right side x 15 IC

Run 1:00 out and back

Lunges (alternating legs) x 20 IC

Irkins x 20 IC

Gas pumps x 15 IC

Collision course run (all the pax run counterclockwise except for YHC, YHC ran clockwise until reaching the pax running the opposite direction, once the pax reached YHC, they turned around and followed YHC until we reached the 6)

Copperhead squats x 20 IC

Bear crawl x 10 IC

Jailbreak bear crawl back to where we started the bear crawl in cadence

Low flutter x 20 IC

Collision course run

Apollo Ohnos (or ice skaters or doe-see-does) alternating legs x 20 IC

Shoulder taps x 20 IC

Low dolly x 20 IC

Collision course run

Getting short on time, don't have time for the last two planned rounds of exercises...Omaha- mosey back to the parking lot from whence we first sighted the Kim Jong Un impersonator

Mary (sort of)
Donkey kicks (ahem, standing donkey kicks) x 20 OYO

Overhead claps x 20 IC


Most of the pax were circled up and ready to go when Sassy disembarked from his car. He was wearing a matching gray set of sweat pants and full zipper jacket (you know, like Kim Jong Un wears). Apparently, Sassy thought that if he wore a black visor that a) we wouldn't notice he looked like Kim Jong Un or b) we would think he was a complete badass, and so wouldn't make fun of him for looking like Kim Jong Un. #nicetry

I've never really heard Apollo Ohnos called doe-see-does, but Palin and Schultzee were literally square dancing after our set of Apollo Ohnos (AND PEOPLE WERE WATCHING!). YHC is not sure if they were shocked and awed by Palin and Schultzee square dancing together at 6:00 AM with eleven other guys watching, or maybe it was that guy that looked like Kim Jong Un...#wemightneverknow

BAM brought us a freshly minted FNG this morning- Jalopy, formerly known as Mike Blankenship. One of BAM's vehicles was recently totaled (the good news is that the UGA sticker was salvaged) and Jalopy, a car salesman for Flow Audi, helped BAM and the family find a "like new" 2004 Chevy Trailblazer. YHC wanted to name him Farfegnugen, but the pax quickly voted that down because F3 is a family show and we don't use four-syllable words.

Speaking of BAM, I dare say some of the other pax have upped their MC game, to the point that I don't really recall much of BAM's MC this morning. I mean, I know it was there, had to be, but I think some of the pax are engaging in a deliberate attempt to usurp his authoritiy (pronounced uh thar uh TIY).

PITA has the Q for flatline tomorrow.

Starfish is in town for the whole week. Make him buy you breakfast.

Starfish has the Q for WIB Thursday. He said something about the Marble Arch Marathon. I'm not sure if this is a real event or Starfish's code to generate intrigue, interest and high attendance (in that order) at WIB.

Sour Mash was not there today.

Prayer requests
PITA has the Q for flatline tomorrow.

PITA has a friend named Tony who has cancer, and the tumors are growing.

Sgt. Schultz is going to Puerto Rico this week. Sure, the weather is nice and it's not Afghanistan, but the uniform makes you an easy target, especially when you are somewhere other than the continental U.S.

My brother-in-law has separated from his wife and four kids. Pray that he can see clearly and understand what is best for him, not to mention everyone else affected.

YHC took us out. We asked Sgt. Schultz to stand in the middle of the circle so all the pax could place a hand on his shoulder and pray for his protection this week. We also lifted up the other prayer requests.


  • BAM
    March 18, 2019 9:01 am

    Good stuff! I usually keep the MC down when I’m traveling, don’t want to annoy the locals too much. Thanks for being gracious to a traveling pax from the big city!
    And just wonderful to see how different guys took time to chat/encourage/walk with Mike! That’s the very good stuff!

  • Goofy
    March 18, 2019 12:48 pm

    So, I may have beat your time to post, but the extra 10 minutes it took for you to post this, definitely produced a higher quality that I could have written with a full week. Great and fun theme and BB! Plus I just learned that I will be Qing opposite @Starfish, but in WeFoCo on Thursday at the Distillery.

  • Sour Mash
    March 19, 2019 12:43 pm

    Sour Mash Wuz Here

    (but not at the beatdown)

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