What are the odds? WIB 1-17

Monday afternoon I was messaging with Thistle to ask if he had any upcoming WIB Qs available as to motivate my lazy butt to get out of the fartsack on Thursday mornings. He said how about this Thursday, and that was that. He also admitted he is needing to populate the calendar for the next few months…who wants a WIB Q?

13 PAX rolled into the Thruway shopping center for this morning’s beatdown:
Root Canal, Thistle (WD), Glazer, Hazer, Zima, Cherry Pie, Greenspan, Van Pelt, Palin, Snooki, Blue Steel, Turnover, Burns (Q, WB)

While we were waiting for 0530, there was some conversation about how OrangeTheory had a large crowd this morning. We lamented these poor souls for the pain their wallets must be feeling. Additionally there was some debate about what WIB actually stands for, since YHC came out of my car with a folded up cereal box and a tupperware of dice. “I thought this was a workout in a bag?“What is that box of dice doing?” “Is the bag in the cereal box?” We decided that just this once WIB would be the Workout in a Box and all the PAX rejoiced. Kinda.

We got warm with SSH x20, Toy soldiers x10, Hillbillies x10, SSH x10, and a short mosey around the parking lot. We gathered back around the mysterious Cheerios Box to get instructions for today’s beatdown. Surprise, the cereal box turned into a weinke of 8 exercises

Parker Peters
Crunchy Frogs
Alternating Shoulder Taps (NOT Arm Swirly Things)
Ranger Merkins
Side Lunges
American Hammer

PAX were instructed to complete the first exercise, run a lap around one of the Thruway buildings, come back and do exercises 1 & 2, run a lap, 1-2-3, lap, etc.

The dice were used to determine reps. 2 colored dice were the number of burpees PAX would do prior to starting the exercise list. 5 white dice added together for the rep count for all other exercises. Whichever PAX finished their lap first between Cherry Pie & Zima got to roll the dice for the next lap.
All PAX impressively completed 7 laps (we didn’t get to the American Hammers) to the counts listed below that may or may not be accurate


Just for fun I calculated the probability of each of these rolls, and the grueling last set had only a 0.44% chance of happening. Thanks Cherry Pie. (This number is based on science & math – two things that I have a very weak grasp on – and could be inaccurate…any stats people may want to see if I got this right.) The two highest probability rolls were 8/18 & 6/17, at 1.4% chance. That was the “fun” of this workout for me, was the seemingly infinite number of possibilities of the rolls of the dice. Plus it deflects blame off of the Q and onto the unlucky sap who finished the lap first, or onto the dice themselves.

Altogether PAX did at least 49 burpees and 496 reps of the exercises and ran over 3 miles. I’m in awe of the strength of these dudes. Cherry Pie and Zima led the way today, and the way they insult one another and complain together you’d think they’ve been committed in holy matrimony for some time now. Turnover and Greenspan were not too far behind them, not showing any sign of fatigue at the end. I guess I need to listen to Mongoose’s call to up the ante on our workouts, because they sure crusehd it. Van Pelt & Glazer, we hardly post at the same workouts but it was good to have yall out this morning, both of you have an extra gear that was really something to behold. Palin was back from paradise and well rested, and his energy showed this AM. He kept bragging about being warm and sleeping in and how this is just SO different from Hawaii. I don’t know what their parents put in the water when they were growing up, but Blue Steel and Snooki probably could have done this workout twice…I was lucky to spend the last few laps with them, and they gave YHC a good push. Root Canal, Hazer, and Thistle are what YHC aspires to be when I get old. They aren’t phased by anything and always offer YHC encouragement throughout a beatdown, even one of my own concoction. Thanks for being great examples for a young dude like me.

Zima noted that he burned 666 calories this AM and we had 13 PAX post. Hope nobody walked under any ladders, broke any mirrors, or saw any black cats this morning.

No announcements or prayer requests were brought forward. YHC took us out with thankfulness for this morning, our fellowship, and our commitment to sharpening ourselves and one another.

Thistle, thank you for the keys. I hope to be offered them again soon.


  • Greenspan
    January 17, 2019 11:07 am

    Excellent backblast on top of a challenging workout, Burns. YHC loves the probability discussion. Seque to YHC’s favorite F3 alias joke: How do you know economists (think “Greenspan”) have a sense of humor? Answer: They use decimal places in their forecasts.

  • Hazer
    January 17, 2019 12:47 pm

    Burns- excellent backblast and a great workout. Thistle was kind enough to put the brakes on and keep me company as I was clearly the slowest of the bunch. Enjoyed the conversation and comraderie. WIB is always a butt kicker for me but nice to be able to just do what I can do and not hold anyone else up. Thruway is a solid AO.

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