Partner up at Mayhem

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 11/14/18

PAX: Splash, Redeye, Offsides, Bathhouse, Zima, Burlap, Posthole, Huckleberry, Wobegon, Spamalot

Date:  11/14/18

Q:  Spamalot

Pax:  Splash, Redeye, Offsides, Bathhouse, Zima, Burlap, Posthole, Huckleberry, Wobegon, Spamalot


Given the recent “light rain,” the Site Q informed YHC yesterday that the back fields were a bit damp….ie flooded.  No worries, never planned on going back there anyway.  Plenty of nice parking lot area to cover.

At the stroke of 5:30, YHC began with the oft-forgotten disclaimer.  Five solid points that should (joking aside) be stated even in the absence of an FNG.  Zima was so excited, he sat down to listen.  Now THAT’s leadership.

With the formalities over, we began with:


The normal hits, including:  SSH, Abe Vigoedas, Whirly w/clap, and OHC.  All IC, most x 15.



Mosey to rockpile near Meadowlark Road.  Grab a medium rock.


Time to see how well the Pax listen and retain information (we are all doomed).

Curls x 10 IC

Overhead Press x 10 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Bent over row x 10 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Return rocks to pile.


Mosey past bus staging area and towards the newish park.


Partner up, size not important.  One partner grabs a large rock, the other a medium rock (appropriate for running with).  John Cusak to the far end of the parking lot for instructions:


Partner 1 stays and performs AMRAP of exercise while Partner 2 (with rock) traverses to far end of parking lot.  Upon reaching far end of parking lot, Partner 2 leaves rock there and moseys back to Partner 1.  Partner 1 gives rock to Partner 2, who begins exercises.  Partner 1 moseys to rock and returns with it.  Continue through all exercises.


Exercises with rock:  curls, overhead press, skull crushers, bent over rows, squats

Method of moseying (w/rock):  run (set 1), DB drills (set 2)

Thus at the end, each Pax had completed each exercise with the rock 2 time each and had run with rock 10 times.  No joke.

Return the large rock to the nearest pile.


Mosey to covered picnic area, leaving the rocks at the beginning of the sidewalk leading to the area.

Again with your partner:

Partner 1 stays at covered area and performs AMRAP of exercises (R leg stepup, L leg stepup and dips).  Partner 2 moseys to rock and brings to covered area, leaving it for partner.  Flapjack with Partner 2 performing exercises, while Partner 1 moseys to rock, grabs it and moseys to beginning of sidewalk.  Continue to flapjack until all three exercises done.

Around this time, YHC was questioned if I had a watch and if I knew how to read it.  The time was 6:11.  Just enough time to return rocks to nearest pile and fast mosey back to parking lot.

No time for Mary.  DONE!


Fairly silent group of Pax this morning.

Apparently Zima is not a big fan of rules as he sat down during the disclaimer.  Remember, a safe day is a fun day.

Appreciate the great partner work from Bathhouse.  Good to see you again.

Splash is officially old now….49!  But you still would not be able to tell watching him.  Strong.

Wobegon has posted twice in a row to Mayhem.  A budding regular.  Time to Q!  Zima?

First time meeting Posthole.  Great work and keep it up!!

Redeye provided the Brookberry Farm shuttle….where was Mongoose?

Thanks to Burlap for hanging back on the final run….Q was dragging a bit by that point!

Huckleberry seemed to be complaining about being sore….not sure why….oh yeah…he just completed two obstacle courses.

Offsides quickly picked up on the importance of the first set of exercises and listening.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

12/15 – F3/FiA party at Brookberry Farm!  Mark your schedules.  Ms welcome…2.0s, not so much.  Get a babysitter.

Wobegon’s company has upcoming 5k – check Twitter


Prayers for all those suffering with addiction issues.  Prayers for all victims of gun violence.


Appreciate the opportunity this morning, Zima!





  • Burlap
    November 14, 2018 10:22 pm

    Fav quote : “A safe day is a fun day.”

    Thanks to @Posthole for being my partner. We had a good system of placing the rocks apart from the others so we never argued with other teams about which rock is whose.

    YHC also reminded the Pax of the importance of correct grammar. Like safety, grammar is a lot of fun.

    Pax discovered that all parking space lines are not of equal length.

    Good workout, Spam. Thx for your leadership.

  • Greenspan
    November 14, 2018 10:27 pm

    Solid work, Spam. Sorry to have missed it.

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