Highs & Lows @ Urban Assault
QIC: Burns
Date: 10/5/2018
When I woke up this morning, there was an odd sensation about my head. Typically, I have one rather prominent cowlick from a night of hard sleeping on my side, but this morning was different. Upon walking into the bathroom I realized I must have tossed and turned all night while mentally assessing/abhorring/coping with the futility of the Braves’ offensive performance last night, because I had not one but two (!!) cowlicks. They rose up from the crown of my head with a perfect curvature to turn my messy mop into a striking resemblance to the ruler of the underworld. All this to say, I think the PAX had it in for them this morning and the universe knew it. We spent some time exploring the highs and lows of our city, and it wasn’t very fun.
The unlucky souls: Snookie, Tonka (WB), Root Canal (WD), Whirly, Drip, RoboCop (former FNG Ryan Rebowe), TSA, Chisel, PITA, BAM, Posthole, Burns (Q)
As all F3 workouts do, we began with a warm-o-rama:
SSH, Arm swirly things forward and backward, Overhead Clap, ISTs all x15 IC. Mosey from the starting point to the end of the sidewalk and back, adding in high knees and butt-kickers.
The thang:
Mosey to RR Tracks, partner up. As a pair, complete 50 pull-ups on the tracks with one person doing pull-ups to failure and the other doing LBCs, then switch. Luckily, I partnered with Snookie so I only had to do about 3.
The High (Cherry St parking garage): I don’t know what stirred inside me as the inspiration for this part of the beatdown, but I know that at UAs past we haven’t used the parking garages and was just curious, I guess. Curiosity almost killed the PAX. Starting at the bottom level closest to the RR Tracks, PAX completed 5 squats, 5 WWIIs, and 2 burpees, then ran up the slope and circled around to be one level above the starting point. Here, the reps were increased by 5 & 2, respectively. By the 5th and top level of the parking garage, PAX had 25 squats, 25 WWIIs, and 10 burpees, totaling 75, 75, and 30 for the climb up. It wasn’t fun.
Half-time mary: 20 low flutters, 20 high plank alternating shoulder touches. Side note: many PAX noted how nice the air felt this morning once we reached the top of the garage. Silver linings, right?
The low: Mosey back down to street level using the stairs, and convene in the coal pit outside Incendiary Brewing Co. (great beer, great atmosphere, definitely check it out if you haven’t yet) PAX partnered up and climbed the ladder down from 15 reps to 1 for both dips & irkins, alternating sets (one partner does 15, the other 14, etc.)
Mosey lap around Bailey Park back to the starting point, 7 minutes of Mary – Penguin crunch x20 IC, mutton crunch x10 IC each leg, heels to heaven x20 IC, LBC x20 IC, then Root Canal led us in the Thistle to close it out, and all the PAX expressed their gratitude for 6:15’s arrival.
Not much mumble chatter this morning, although BAM was overheard complaining about the difficulty of just 2 burpees.
PITA seemed to think I’ve opened an unwelcome can of worms for the UA crowd by tapping into the parking garage, especially since we weren’t bothered by any traffic. I deeply apologize to all.
Heard a lot of great 3rd F happening during the ladders outside Incendiary, particularly between Posthole and TSA. I love F3 for the opportunity to get to know guys you wouldn’t ever run into otherwise, and am always encouraged by sharing workouts with yall.
FNG Ryan Rebowe: Friend/coworker of Drip’s. Plastic Surgeon from Louisiana, Snookie named him while I snuck away to get my phone to record name-o-rama, thus RoboCop was given a very cool and not-humiliating at all nickname.
CoT – reach out to Palin, Zima, and/or Van Gogh for information about obstacle course races at the end of October/beginning of November.
Prayers for the PAX of F3 Alpha, who lost their brother Darth Visor this week during a workout. Also prayers for Angel Batista, a student at Reagan who is battling leukemia at Brenner.
YHC took us out, thanking God for each other and our opportunities to be a light for Him.
Yours in the Gloom,
1 Comment
Van Gogh
Sorry to have missed this one! Simply did not get enough sleep to be able to double down after the run this morning… Knew the PAX were in good hands though, and this backblast proved it! #TClaps all around!
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