#TheBenjamin: Round 3

QIC: Patch

Date: 2018-2019

PAX: You


And just like that, #TheBenjamin 2017-18 is done!  In 2016-17 Closer joined the club.  Who will join the ranks of the elite in 2018?  Holding with tradition, this year’s champions will be announced at an upcoming OGs.  For a trip down memory lane (and because of previous website issues), I’ve copied the previous year’s posts below.  You’ll recall we’ve now introduced 3 versions – #TheBenjamin (the original), #TheGrant (50/day), and #TheBenjaminPlanked (100 + planks).

That brings us to 2018-19.  Are you ready?! Are you determined?! Can you spare 10 minutes a day?  Fo realz…10 minutes will get you started?  Seriously, if you’ve ever been interested, but are overwhelmed at the idea, remember it’s just a Merkin.  Much like running, you can’t think about the total steps in the race.  Just think about the next one.  How many steps do you take in a 5K?  6200 give or take.  6200!  That makes 100 Merkins sound like cake.

While any version of #TheBenjamin is fabulous and qualifies for the yearly accolades, this year we will focus on two main options:

  1. #TheBenjamin – the original.
  2. #TheBiblicalBenjamin – 100 Merkins and reading the verse of the day on the YouVersion Bible app each day (Android , iPhone).  If you prefer to read the bible in another way each day, that is fine.  The YouVersion app has a nice feature that keeps track of how many days in a row you’ve opened the app.  So it is an easy way to keep yourself accountable and know if you accidentally skipped yesterday.

I’m interested, but dang that seems like a lot.

A few tips –

  1. Knock some out in the morning.  Don’t get overwhelmed at the end of the day.
  2. Don’t do them all at once.
  3. If you don’t do any, inertia is your worst enemy.  If you can summon the will to do just one, inertia will be your best friend.  I promise you’ll never ever just do one.
  4. Do them when you’re stressed out or ticked off.  Kids won’t get their chores done or get the bedtime routine done?  Don’t stew while you’re waiting for them.  Drop and knock out ten.  Use that anger.  It only takes the strength of 10 Merkins to knock out 20 when you’re mad.
  5. Lastly, if you’ve never done many Merkins, the first month is hard.  Own that.  Know that.  After that, the Merkins are cake.  Not forgetting becomes the hard part.

if you are a total newbie to this whole idea and have more questions, scroll down to the original post below for the basics.  More questions? Ask YHC.

See you on the strong side!




Boom!  That year just happened.  Celebrating the 1 year anniversary of #TheBenjamin on 9/15/17.  The 2017 champions will be announced at OGs.

So the madness is over right?  Er…NO!  Stretch those arms out.  Be sure you’ve got that form right.  And listen to the applause from your thighs that have been screamin, “Bout time you did something with that upper bod!”

The 2018 season  starts 9/15/17 and comes with 3 options:

  1. #TheBenjaminLight – AKA #TheGrant – 50 Merkins a day, any way, for 1 year.  Nervous about biting off the big bucks, start here.
  2. #TheBenjamin – the original.  100 Merkins a day, any way, for 1 year.  No need to mess with the wildly popular cult culture success of the original.
  3. #TheBenjaminPlanked – the original 100 Merkins a day, any way, along with 30 seconds each of elbow planks, left arm up planks, and right arm up planks for ……..yup…..1 year.  Strengthen that core.  You won’t regret it!

Don’t remember the rules.  Original post below:



push up

On Thursday, 9/15/16, YHC tossed out a new challenge to the PAX: #TheBenjamin

The rules:

100 Merkins each day, every day, any way, for 1 year.

The goal, like all things F3 is to build a sustainable healthy habit. If you don’t regularly do Merkins, this will seem insurmountable. Trust me, the first month is hard, the second month is better and the third month is like brushing your teeth. You brush your teeth each day don’t you?


1. Do Merkins at workouts count?

Yes. If you happen to do 100 Merkins at a workout, you’re done for the day.

2. What if I forget to do my Merkins? Can I make them up?

If you AUTHENTICALLY forget to do them or forget to do part of them, you may make them up the next day. You CANNOT decide to take the night off because your favorite romantic comedy is on tv. The idea is to build a daily habit.

3. Can I do them in sets of 3? Can I do one set of 100 and be done?

“Any way” folks, any way. (if you do a continuous set of 100, please post on Twitter with a video)

4. Should I post my update to Twitter daily?

Initially to build some enthusiasm, that is great! After the first week or so, please update only periodically otherwise the nonparticipating PAX may stop following your Twitter account.

5. How should I comment on Twitter?

Please include #TheBenjamin as a hashtag along with @F3WinstonSalem

6. Why should I do this? It sounds stupid.

Read that sentence again and then think about F3, realize in that context it was a stupid question, hit the flo and knock out a set of 25. Sacrifice that 30 seconds a few more times today and realize that a year from now you will be a lot stronger and only have to sacrifice 120 seconds a day.

7. But I have so many excuses!?!

(a) I don’t have time! – 120 seconds a day. You spend more time looking at your belly button fuzz. (b) It will hurt! – Not if you use proper form. (c) What if the weather is bad or I don’t have the right equipment?! – You just need the floor, dude. (d) What if the floor disappears or the earth loses its gravitational pull?!!! – Then it should be easier.

See ya on the strong side!



  • Thistle
    September 15, 2018 5:51 pm

    Patch – how do I commit to the Benjamin 2018-2019? Anything I need to do, besides merkins? When did it start?

    • Patch
      September 16, 2018 8:20 am

      As per the Nike slogan… “Just do it!” Nothing you need to do other than start doing them. Start today! You got this!

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