Communication Is Down, But The Power Is Still On

QIC: Greenspan + Others

Date: 9/15/2018

PAX: High Tiders (Wiley) Contingent: Thistle, Lamb Chop, Spicoli, Palin

Evacuees (Publix) Contingent: Bevo, Zima, Greenspan

In any major storm situation, communication is key.  YHC had several communication failures over the past 16 hours.  First, having tweeted out the normal launch from Wiley pre-blast announcement at 1210 Friday, an Omaha announcement was made at 1815 Friday that an (apparently voluntary) evacuation from the AO to the Miller Street Publix was in effect.  Despite a text message exchange with site Q Palin, who endorsed the evac, four Pax, including Palin, chose to be High Tiders, pronounced “Hoi Toiders”, ( and rode the storm out at Wiley.  Meanwhile, a smaller Evacuee contingent of three Pax, no less valorous, relocated to the garages of Publix and Piedmont Plaza.  As YHC still hasn’t figured out a way to be in more than one place at a time, much to my children’s incredulity, YHC can only comment extensively on what happened in the garages with the Evacuees.

Evacuee Warmarama (IC): 

  • Toy Solders x 10<x<20 (Second communication failure occurred here. YHC had the ambitious idea of starting off with something other than SSHs.  YHC has only seen Cheesesteak successfully accomplish the idea.  Cadence counting did not appear to be in YHC’s capacity at this point of the workout.  YHC is sure we did more than 10 and less than 20 reps).
  • SSHs x 30 (That was better)
  • Whirly with a Clap x 12(?)
  • Abe Vigoda (slow) x 5
  • Downward dog / upward dog combo

The Evacuee Thang

Following Warmarama, the Evacuees loitered around the steps up to the upper Publix entrance, awaiting the arrival of Palin and any others who may have gone to Wiley (remember, there was a text message exchange between the QiC and Site Q).  We attempted the following on the stairs in a light rain following a reinforcement of the disclaimer:

  • Jump up/down 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps, 4 steps (We abandoned this when Bevo and Zima both complained of slippy steps)
  • Up/Down/Mid: Right leg stationary three or four steps up with left leg below steps; Q called up, down, mid. Then we switched legs and repeated.
  • Stair run: Five sets of running up to the top of the stairs and back down.

We moseyed inside the Publix garage and completed two rounds of a Bear Crawl + Erkins / Crawl Bear + Derkins combo from a curb to a concrete pillar about fifteen feet way.

Seeing no additional Pax arriving from Wiley, we moseyed over to the Piedmont Plaza garage and completed the following:

  • Tammy Wynette / Stand by Your Man (7 rounds): One pax completes 10 reps of a called merkin variation, other two pax complete 10 squats.  Flip flop.  We completed three sets of regular merkins, one set of diamond merkins, one set of wide merkins, one set of Ranger merkins, and one set of divebombing merkins.
  • Mini Spartan: Seven sets of sprints up the slight incline of the parking deck + 10 V-Ups + slow mosey back down.  We Omahaed two moseys back out to Miller Street just to make sure there were not any late Evacuees from Wiley.
  • Arod (Dora backwards) 1.5/1/.5: A variation of Dora.  Pax completed 150 American Hammers (double count), 100 Gorilla Humpers (legs wider than the monkey variety), and 50 diamond merkins.  Pax were given opportunity to complete the assigned exercises in any order chosen.
  • Walking Balls to the Wall: 3 sets of balls to the wall with a 10-15 foot handstand walk.  We moseyed from one end of the deck to the other in between each set.
  • Banana/Superman combo: 5 rolls each way was intended but YHC had another communication fail; YHC lost his sense of direction, count, and whether we were doing Superman or Banana in the middle of this and resorted to just yelling out “Roll!”
  • Elbow plank with 10 count from each of the three pax
  • Run back up half of the slightly inclined parking deck, lunge walk the remainder; reclaim the orange cones.
  • Mini ladder of 9 merkins, 8 flatfeet LBCs, 7 SSHs, 6 merkins….1 SSH

Mosey back to Publix garage for seven MoM:

  • Juanitas
  • Box Cutters
  • Laying on your back walking with scissors
  • More elbow plank with 10 count from each of the three pax
  • Downward / Upward dog sequel
  • Maybe something else

Fin of the Evacuee Thang!


The High Tider Thang

Based on garbled communication from the High Tiders, YHC believes the hearty group to have completed seven layers of dip, core stuff, yoga stuff, and at least 30 burpees, although Thistle may have been the only volunteer for the burpees.

Fin of the High Tider Thang!



  • YHC has the Q for the DashPax Ruck on Sunday. We will launch from Moore Elementary on the corner of Queen and Knollwood Streets at 0645 and complete a circuit of the Ardmore neighborhood.  Come join us and bring a pair of work gloves as we will look for opportunities to remove limbs and debris from the streets.  Here’s the route:

  • Obstacle Course Races (OCR) – many opportunities this fall.  See Palin, Huckleberry and Van Gogh if interested. Zima seems to be in the know as well.

COT & Prayer Requests:

All those in the path of the storm, including in our own city.

All first responders and electrical linemen & engineers responding to the storm.

Boomerang’s sister Susan in Burlington fighting cancer.


Kobains on all the miscommunications (including an EchoDot that was taken to the elevens and was still barely discernible).  It would have been great to be with the High Tider contingent but YHC knows they rode out the storm with gusto.  Although YHC is in complete agreement with Balco that the WSFC school cancelation announcement was premature and ridiculous, the late notice of launch location and ensuing confusion reflect the consequences of waiting too long to make an announcement.

Bevo complained that we spent more time with our right leg stationary on the high/low/mid exercise.  YHC obliged him and hopes the supplement was more in line with his expectations.

Apparently, YHC missed the opportunity for pull-ups in the Piedmont Plaza deck.  Kobains on that as YHC would surely have utilized said opportunity.

We were in the vicinity of a loud air conditioning unit that sounded similar to Palin’s truck.  YHC looked around expecting to see the site Q each time we ran past said unit.  This was the only disappointment of the morning.

There was a muted conversation of whether Zima and Van Gogh work “together” at Wake Forest or Van Gogh works “for” Zima.

Perhaps my proudest F3 moment occurred after the grinder portion (including 50 diamond merkins) when Zima, with a somber tone, said something to the effect of, “I’m going to do something horrible to you if you make me do any more diamond merkins.”

Exceptional work this morning from all pax.  We did things I couldn’t imagine doing alone.  Bevo and Zima are beasts, and YHC is thankful for their push.  YHC knows that the High Tider contingent experienced similar second F in the midst of their first F.  Thanks guys for showing up and putting in the hard work.

Palin, YHC will bring the keys back when the evac order is lifted.



  • Thistle
    September 15, 2018 5:53 pm

    Great day to be at Hanes Park – sorry some of the guys were scared of getting wet.

    • Greenspan
      September 15, 2018 5:59 pm

      Yeah, YHC was sad clown when YHC got word that we missed out on being together.

      • Thistle
        September 15, 2018 6:16 pm

        #MeToo – Come to The Estate on Monday – YHC is your Q.

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